Posted in marriage, nonfiction, self help on November 10, 2008

Publisher – Atria Books (a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc)
Dare to believe that marriage is good
4 out of 5 stars

The author, Mark Gungor, is a pastor at Celebration Church in Wisconsin, a motivational speaker, musician and CEO of Laugh Your Way America.

This book is about the differences between men and women and how it affects their relationship with each other. The concept is similar to many books out there but the author puts a slightly different spin on the principles by including scriptures when applicable and humor. He includes real life experiences, both his personal experiences and experiences of those that he counsels or that attend his seminars.

I will admit that the title is a bit misleading. I’m not sure what I was expecting, maybe how to laugh in your marriage and this book didn’t provide that information. It did, however, provide a lot of insight into men and women and how they think or process information and how it will affect their spouse. It gave me a lot to think about when I request things from my husband and how he might act or react. Overall it is a good book and one that was an easy read.

There is a section in the book called Sex, Lies and the internet that is directed towards men in particular. Sure men may read the whole book but he starts the chapter by welcoming the men and saying that if they are like most guys they flipped to this chapter first. I’d say that he is pretty accurate with that statement. Women will learn from this section too, so don’t skip it!

There are a few quotes and passages that really struck me from this book and made me rethink how I view marriage whether it is my own or someone else’s.

“…finding someone to journey with in marriage is the slenderest part of a life-long relational journey. Marriage is more about work than about divine luck, more about finding someone to love than about finding someone to meet your own laundry list of personal needs.”

“Dare to believe marriage is good, that the one you are in is good. Dare to ask God to help you treasure it, appreciate it, and stay committed to it…..”

I would recommend this book to anyone that is looking to strengthen their relationship or wants to ensure that it continues to be successful.

Reviewed for RebeccasReads (7/08)