Guest Post & #Giveaway – Dead Air and Double Dares by Janis Thornton @JanisThornton #cozy #mystery

StoreyBook Reviews 

Dead Air and Double Dares
by Janis Thornton

Cup of Tea Books, an imprint of PageSpring Publishing (June 18, 2017)
Number of Pages 310


Crystal Cropper, editor of the Elmwood Gazette, has added incentive in finding out who killed Horace Q. Ogilvie, owner of the local radio station and the most reviled man in town. Horace turns up dead minutes before he is supposed to broadcast his next malicious editorial, designed to destroy yet another Elmwood luminary. Fortunately for the police department, Horaceā€™s list of future targets provides an abundant pool of suspects. Unfortunately for Crystal, her name is at the top!

Guest Post

Crystal and Janis ā€¦ Inseparable!

By Crystal Cropper

Once again, my old chum, Janis Thornton, has immortalized me on the pages of yet another outstanding, cozy mystery. But, while Janis may tell you ā€œDead Air & Double Daresā€ is a work of fiction, thereā€™s more to this story than meets the eye.

ā€œDead Air & Double Dares,ā€ just like ā€œDust Bunnies & Dead Bodiesā€ before it, is a slice-of-life tale, adapted entirely from my life. Thus, every sidekick, every villain, every victim, every suspect, every poke, every punch line, every wisecrack, every red herring, every MacGuffin, every cheeseburger and vanilla shake ā€¦ Theyā€™re all true facts. Theyā€™re all mine! I lived them!

Thereā€™s no denying my good friend Janis is a superb scribe. However, had it not been for me standing beside her, whispering in her ear, telling her what happened to who, how and when, her career as a cozy mystery novelist might well be nonexistent.

Our alliance began some 10 years ago, after I returned to Elmwood. I was a seasoned journalist, having spent many years working as a crime-beat reporter at a West Coast daily newspaper. One day out of the blue, the Elmwood Gazette recruited me as its editor. I had thrived on big city chaos and wasnā€™t sure I could handle the no-drama predictability of a small-town newspaper, covering church bazaars, county fairs, and annual festivals. But what the heck? I figured a change of pace might do me good, so I said ā€œyes.ā€

I had only been in my new gig a couple of weeks when Janis came in looking for a story. Although she didnā€™t know squat about crafting a decent cozy mystery, her writing samples were promising. But she definitely needed work.

Who better to take her hand and lead her into the world of Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, and Joan Hess than me, Crystal Cropper? As Janisā€™ mentor, Iā€™ve been schooling her for years on the correct way to craft a hard-hitting story by following her instincts, piecing together clues, keeping her mouth shut, her eyes open, and pulling it all together in a compelling way that keeps readers up at night.

To tell you the truth, Iā€™m a little concerned about her cozy mysteries. Even though I willingly opened myself up to her like a ā€¦ well, like a book, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m comfortable with her telling the world my secrets, fears, and inner thoughts. This latest book of hers ā€” ā€œDead Air and Double Daresā€ ā€” hits a little too close to home. It makes me a tad uncomfortable.

Once she discovered I was one of the suspects in Horace Q. Ogilvieā€™s murder, she did her homework. She quickly learned the true identity of the radio stationā€™s new manager, and why Elmwoodā€™s interim mayor had spent time in Florida. But I have no idea where she dug up my deepest, darkest secrets involving that bogus plagiarism charge or my long-lost granddaughter. But if you want to know, you only have to read the book.

All in all, Janis has been an exceptionally good student ā€” possibly my best, and I think ā€œDead Air & Double Daresā€ is a sterling testament to how far sheā€™s come as an author. In the process, some might say weā€™ve become inseparable ā€¦ two peas in a pod ā€¦ yin and yang ā€¦ bookends ā€¦ birds of a feather ā€¦ doppelgangers! And they might be right.

Simply put, Janis Thornton is nothing without Crystal Cropper.

And vice versa!

And now you know the rest of the story. ā€¢

About the Author

Janis Thornton is a freelance writer, personal historian, and award-winning journalist. She is the author of two local history books, Images of America: Tipton County and Images of America: Frankfort. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, the Indiana Writers Center, Association of Personal Historians, and the Midwest Writers Workshop Planning Committee. She lives in a small Indiana town not unlike Elmwood. Dust Bunnies and Dead Bodies is her debut cozy mystery.

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3 thoughts on “Guest Post & #Giveaway – Dead Air and Double Dares by Janis Thornton @JanisThornton #cozy #mystery

  1. ann

    I love book giveaways and learning about new authors I haven’t read before

  2. Cecilia

    This sounds like a great story! Thanks for the review and giveaway.

  3. Dianne Casey

    I really enjoyed the description of the book. This is a new author to me and I would enjoy reading the book.

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