Blog Tour, Review & $25 Giveaway: Yesterday and The Locket both by Amanda Tru

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Yesterday Locket Tour

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Her yesterday was five years ago. What will her tomorrow bring?

When Hannah Kraeger saves a family injured in a car accident, she has no idea she has changed events in the past. Waking the next morning, Hannah discovers her yesterday was really five years ago.

Each trip Hannah takes through time changes the timeline and her own life. With help from Dr. Seth McAllister, Hannah must unravel the mystery of why she time travels and who she actually is before the strange ability costs her future, the man she loves, and even her life.

YESTERDAY is a thrilling Christian Romantic Suspense filled with unexpected twists, mystery, and romance.


Rounding the corner of the hallway to the medical offices, I stopped mid-stride.

“What’s wrong?” Seth asked, concerned.

I pointed. “The medical offices should be right there.”

Instead of a hallway that opened up to a reception area surrounded by doctors’ offices, I was pointing to a solid wall.

I turned around in a full circle. I had an awful sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I began to notice other differences. The paint on the walls looked dingy, the tile old, and the pictures on the wall cheap.

“Seth, none of this is right,” I mumbled, nervously fingering Mom’s locket clasped around my neck.

The feeling of dread was rapidly transforming into panic. Nothing was as it should be.

Then I knew.

My mind swirled with everything that had just happened. My eyes swung to Seth’s confused gaze and locked. In that instant, I knew two things. The man I loved, loved me back. And, wherever, whenever I was, he had come with me.



The Locket

Hannah suddenly finds that she has time traveled once again, but this time is different. After helping save a woman’s life, Hannah discovers that she has completely altered the timeline and thrown her very existence into jeopardy.

Facing life-threatening effects upon returning to her own time, Hannah is then given a death sentence: if she time travels again, she will die. Now, Hannah must solve the clues to her own identity and find a way to save her own life before she is once again sent spiraling through time.

Will her mother’s locket hold the key to both her past and her future? Has she just found the love of her life only to lose him? Could God have a plan for Hannah amidst the chaos?


I opened my mouth to ask my guide a question, I wasn’t even sure what, but I felt like I didn’t even know which end was up. Before my mouth and my brain could connect, there was a loud buzzing noise and the double doors in front of us opened.

“Go ahead,” my guide said. “Dr. Blake will meet you down the hall.”

Shouldn’t I protest that there’d been some mistake? Shouldn’t I beg for her to please tell me what was going on? But, I didn’t. Completely dazed, I put one foot in front of the other and went through the doors.

“Oh, Hannah?” At the woman’s voice, I turned back around. She looked directly at me, and I saw a full view of her face for the first time. There was something about her that was familiar, as if I should know her but couldn’t reach back far enough to remember her name.

Her sad eyes were sparkling with what looked like a hint of amusement, and a smile was on her lips. “Say ‘yes.’”

Before I could respond, the doors automatically shut, separating us. Starting to continue down the hall, I suddenly whirled back and faced the doors. Hannah! She’d called me Hannah!

I wanted to run back and pound on the doors until they opened and the mysterious woman gave me some answers. I was instead distracted by footsteps coming from the other direction of the long hall. A small woman with bright red hair and dressed in a white lab coat approached me.

Extending her hand to take mine, she smiled, “You must be Esther Jefferies.”

I opened my mouth in denial, but, suddenly remembering the words of my mysterious guide, I found myself replying. “Yes . . . Yes, I am.”



I loved these two books!  I’m not 100% sure why they are categorized Christian because there is very little reference to religion or God in these books.  But that doesn’t matter because these were great stories!  I loved the time traveling aspect and how one little thing changed the past and Hannah’s life.  I liked all of the characters, although Seth could be a little over protective.  Sure Hannah is younger but she isn’t fragile.  I liked how the different supporting characters changed throughout the books based on where in time she went and what she changed.  I don’t want to give too much away!

When I finished the 2nd book I was hoping that wasn’t all and at the end I found a preview of the next book called Tomorrow….just what I need, another book on my TBR shelf!  But I have to find out how the story ends.

We give this 4 1/2 paws.


Author Amanda Tru

Although I loved my job as an elementary school teacher, I am now very blessed to be mommy to three adorable little boys and living my dream of being an author.
I have a vivid imagination and have always been easily entertained by the stories in my head. Fortunately, I also love to paint those pictures with words. I like writing a wide variety of genres, and my current book list includes everything from a Christian time travel / romance series, to an action-packed suspense, to a romance involving a woman who likes to anonymously play matchmaker.

Although I enjoy historical, Christian, paranormal, suspense, and everything in between, my books all have one thing in common–I love to surprise my readers with the unexpected. I currently have 7 books available for kindle, nook, and paperback.

My family and I live in a small Idaho town where the number of cows outnumbers the number of people.


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Ends 6/17/13

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