Guest Post: Jeff Landers author of Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally

StoreyBook Reviews 

Today I bring you a different type of guest post, or a different type of book than I normally post about!  For those that know me personally, I am NOT in the midst of a divorce or even thinking about it!  However, I do believe in women being prepared should the “D” word ever happen in their lives.  These aren’t the days of our parents where the men mostly controlled the finances, however there are still some marriages where the men does control everything and these are the ones where the women need to be protected.  Even if you share everything, divorce can be hard and as Jeff will tell you, it also becomes very emotional and sometimes we don’t think logically.

So with that said, I welcome Jeff Landers to StoreyBook Reviews!


Every Year, One Million Women Get Divorced . . .

. . . and many of them will make devastating mistakes during the divorce process that will put their financial futures at risk!

Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally is a wonderful guide for women seeking to secure their financial future.”

–Laura A. Wasser, Divorce Attorney to the Stars

“I wish I had this book when I was going through my divorce!”

–Sonja Morgan, The Real Housewives of New York

“Packed with practical advice . . .

I wholeheartedly applaud his efforts.”

–Liz Smith, Syndicated Columnist

Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally®  What Women Need to Know About Securing Their Financial Future Before, During and After  Divorce

Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster. . .

. . . And if you’re a woman who’s going through or about to go through a divorce, you need to be keenly aware of this.

People tend to make absolutely terrible financial decisions when they’re on that rollercoaster, feeling ”up” one minute and then “down” the next.

Of course, under the circumstances, a measure of indecision and confusion is completely understandable. If you’re in the early stages of divorce, you’re probably experiencing anger, betrayal, loss, shock, numbness, confusion, panic –or a combination of them all. It’s no real surprise that you may not be able to think clearly about financial matters such as how your assets might get divided, tax liabilities and what your living expenses might be ten years from now.

But, here’s the problem:

When you’re divorcing, you simply cannot risk being uninformed, indecisive or bewildered about your finances. After all, the decisions you make both before and during your divorce will directly impact the rest of your life, for better or for worse.

If you proceed with your divorce carelessly and/or impulsively—allowing misinformation, rage, revenge, bitterness, depression, a lack of knowledge or a sense of futility to guide your decisions—the outcome can, and probably will, be financially disastrous.

On the other hand, if you proceed thoughtfully and with a strategic plan, you may find your divorce offers you the opportunity to lock in a secure financial future.

The choice is yours, and the difference lies in how you handle the process . . . and whether or not you can Think Financially, Not Emotionally®.

Someone once said that marriage is all about love, and divorce is all about money. She was right. And when you’re going through divorce, you must keep your emotions in check, so you can negotiate a divorce settlement that financially protects you and your children both now and far into the future.

Unfortunately, thinking financially is not always easy — and this is true no matter how astute you were under previously “normal” circumstances. Many of our clients at Bedrock Divorce Advisors are accountants, lawyers, Wall Street executives and business owners, some with Ivy League MBAs. These women know how to crunch numbers — but during the trauma of divorce, they just aren’t able to focus and deal with financial matters.

No, thinking financially is not always easy. But, it is possible –especially if you have some help. Anyone, no matter how savvy, can benefit from expert advice when she is crossing through treacherous and unfamiliar territory. This book is a guidebook to help you navigate that difficult terrain.

Throughout the following chapters, I’ve compiled important information to help you better understand how to:

• Shore up your financial position so you enter the divorce process prepared;

• Gather your important financial documents and records;

• Build a top-notch divorce team;

• Determine the value of a small business or professional practice;

• Decide between regular alimony and an up-front lump-sum alimony payment;

• Keep your marital house (if it makes financial sense to do so);

• Get the child support you’re owed;

• Avoid the top mistakes divorcing women make;

• Understand the difference between marital and separate property;

• Protect any alimony and/or child support payments with life insurance;

• Protect your business, intellectual property and personal assets;

• Divide your assets in a way most favorable to you from a tax and financial point of view;

• Deal with pensions plans, 401(k)s, and other retirement accounts;

• Decide whether to legally separate or divorce;

• Disinherit your husband;

• Determine if your husband is hiding assets;

. . . and much more.

Ultimately, your goal should be to emerge from your divorce in the best financial shape possible. You’re going to get off that emotional rollercoaster eventually. And when you do, you’ll want to begin your single life knowing that you have made the thoughtful decisions required to help establish your long-term financial security.

Start today. Let me help you Think Financially, Not Emotionally® as you look ahead to a bright future for yourself and your children.

Jeff Landers is the President and Founder of Bedrock Divorce Advisors, a divorce financial strategy firm which exclusively advises women throughout the United States before, during and after divorce. He is also the author of the new book, Divorce: Think Financially, Not Emotionally – What Women Need To Know About Securing Their Financial Future Before, During, And After Divorce, which provides women going through the crisis of divorce with the tools they need to secure their financial future.

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