Spotlight: This Book Needs a Title by Theodore Ficklestein

StoreyBook Reviews 

There are all types of reading material out there for us to enjoy and Poetry is one of them.  I will admit I am usually not big on poetry…well mainly because I don’t get it!  Sure I get the concept but it has never resonated with me but that is ok because I know there are plenty of people that do like poetry and that is what makes this a great world, we don’t all have to like the same thing!

So today I’d like to spotlight some poetry by author Theodore Ficklestein and his book, This Book Needs a Title.

Front Cover

Theodore was also kind enough to share one of his poems with us and you can also read some of them in the preview on Amazon or on Barnes & Noble.

Promoting a Poetry Book

You are promoting a poetry book.
Good luck with that.
Because so many read poetry.
I keep forgetting.
And you are like Bill Shakespeare right?
Everyone will just love your poetry because you are just so good at writing it.
Seriously I just may start calling you Robert Frost.
You wrote a poetry book.
What happened you never finished that novel you were writing?
You are a no name author writing in a genre no one reads.
Good luck with that.

If you like this poem, check out his blog for more poems and you can buy his book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble or through Authorhouse


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