Blog Tour & Review: Coming Through the Fog by Tami Goldstein @TAGCTTF

StoreyBook Reviews 

coming through the fog


Based on her own experience with Heather, her daughter, labeled with Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder, and her extensive research into effective treatment regimens, Tami Goldstein’s compassionate tale of Heather’s progress to functioning recovery and independent living offers hope and practical advice to other parents of children similarly labeled.

From her daughter Heather’s original diagnosis to a veritable smorgasbord of difficulties, Tami did her own research into Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism and sought out a therapeutic approach that actually worked.  After comprehensive research, Tami found and accessed successful protocols for Heather which can be used by other parents of children with High-Functioning Autism.

Tami shows exactly how a sensory lifestyle was developed to provide and maintain Functioning Recovery and she provides examples of projective trials that show benefits pertaining to sensory support.  CranioSacral Therapy and Bio-Medical supports are explained as well as their value in recovery is documented as Tami illustrates how a sensory lifestyle gives crucial support for school, employment and independent living.

Tami also explores the controversy between the educational and the medical aspects of Autism and questions the legality of educational discrimination in these cases.  She reports in detail the opinion of one attorney who charged her $17,000 to form a legal judgment on the matter.

A portion of the profits of Coming Through the Fog will be donated to the Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation, which expands the knowledge, fosters the awareness and promotes the recognition of Sensory Processing Disorders.


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I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book, but I wanted to read it because my stepson has Asperger’s and while he is very high functioning, there are still things that we are learning about him since his diagnosis was so late in life.

This book is one mother’s journey in finding help for her daughter so that she could lead as normal of a life as possible.  I was appalled at the school districts and the actions of staff and administration.  I realize that Heather was in school in the early 90’s to late 90’s when Autism was really becoming more and more prevalent in society and many people didn’t understand or know what Autism or Asperger’s was, much less how to deal with a child with the disorder.  However, to blatantly lie?  WOW!  But kudos to all of the teachers that did help Heather and helped make at least part of her education a less stressful event in her life.

The book has a lot of great tips and they are compiled at the end of the book so you don’t need to try and remember what they were or write them down anywhere.  There are also a lot of resources that I wish we had access to many years ago. I was surprised that one huge resource was omitted, that of Autism Speaks.  Perhaps because the organization wasn’t founded until 2005 and wasn’t utilized by Tami?

I wasn’t sure about part of the title where she speaks of Recovery because to me that means cured.  Tami does a good job of explaining that it means being able to function as normally as possible given all of Heather’s issues.

Overall, I thought this was a good book explaining one family’s journey and we give it 4 paws.


About Tami

tami goldsteinWhen her youngest child was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, Tami spent the next few years in a tailspin trying to find ways to help her daughter. She watched in amazement as a more holistic, all natural approach did what no western medicine techniques could accomplish. Some of those approaches included various techniques to stimulate the sense of touch.

Tami started by studying Reiki Therapy. Reiki a Japanese word meaning universal life energy. The first part Rei, refers to our spiritual dimension or soul. The second part Ki, means vital life or energy. This ancient natural method of healing touches the body without physically touching the body. (How else do you connect with a child who feels pain when you touch them?)

The benefits this approach provided opened Tami’s eyes to try other techniques. While she worked toward a Master/Teacher level in Reiki, she also sampled Yoga, learned Feng Sui, and began receiving regular massages & CranioSacral treatments, Chiropractic adjustments and Acupuncture.

Tami became so fascinated with the benefits provided by Massage Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy she decided to become certified and is currently State and Nationally certified in Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork and in CranioSacral Therapy. Her daughter’s Functioing Recovery is maintained by a Sensory Lifestyle and CranioSacral Therapy.

Since 2005, Tami has been State and National Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and she continued her training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute in Florida. Tami became certified in CranioSacral Therapy in January of 2013. Trained in Massage Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy (CST) I and II, Somatic Emotional Release (SER) I and II,CST Pediatrics, and The Kolden Technique & Body Therapy, Reiki Master/Teacher. She is also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor.


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