Mystery Monday: Sticks & Stones by K.J. Larsen @KJLarsenauthor

StoreyBook Reviews 

Quite a while ago I posted about the first book, Liar, Liar,  by the three sisters that make up author K.J. Larsen.  Ummm, should I saw that was in 2010 and I’m just now getting around to the second book, Sticks and Stones?  No?  Well it is out there now.  I remember LOVING the first book and was quite honored when they quoted me on their website!  And of course they have the third book in the series out now too called Some Like it Hot.  I have that book to read too.  I really need to catch up on some reading don’t I?!

I just saw that the first book is the bargain price of $0.99 on Amazon!  So if you have a Kindle get your copy now and get addicted to this series!


sticks and stones


What does a woman do when she discovers her husband is an incurable cheater? If she’s Cat DeLuca she launches the Pants On Fire Detective Agency. Now Cat does what two years of unholy matrimony taught her. She catches cheaters.When a client (Cleo Jones) shoots her cheating husband’s bum full of buckshot, he disappears, taking her money, dog, and sister with him. Private Investigator Cat DeLuca promises to return the dog and money if her client stops shooting at Walter. Cleo agrees. The detective finds the dog and a mysterious bag chuck-full of cash. And then she finds Walter. His very dead body is still warm. The case is a slam dunk for the cops who arrest Cleo for the murder of her husband. She had motive and opportunity and a dozen witnesses heard her scream bloody murder. One made a video. Cat DeLuca is determined to prove her client’s innocence and it’s not an easy sell. Walter was an unsavory character with enemies. To find his killer, Cat will have to sift through the ones who didn’t pull the trigger. Her investigation leads to four players with secrets: a childhood friend, a gambler, a construction tycoon, and a legendary Chicago designer. When forensic evidence suggests the detective knows more about the murder than she’s telling, Cat faces the certain loss of her agency.  Cat DeLuca is smart and charming. She’s an unlikely heroine and her partner, a beagle named Inga, is quite likely to eat the evidence.


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About the Author(s)

Two sisters living in the greater Seattle area and one sister from Chicago teamed up to write Liar, Liar. This debut mystery novel introduces Cat DeLuca and her Pants On Fire Detective Agency. Published by Poisoned Pen Press, Liar, Liar has received rave reviews and two inquiries for movie rights.

Writing a novel together was second nature for the three sisters who created their own Nancy Drew mysteries as kids. “We live very different lives,” Kari says. “What brings us together is a voracious love of mystery, a wicked sense of humor, and the thrill of victory.”

Sisters Kari, Julianne, and Kristen write under the pen name, K.J. Larsen.

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