Review: Steal This Resume by Mark Petterson

StoreyBook Reviews 

steal this resume


The truth is there are a ton of books out there on how to write Resumes. Many of the books are quite good. But studying an entire book about writing Resumes is like learning auto mechanics just to drive across town.

Why bother?

Instead, why not find a great Resume that’s already written and use the best parts for yourself?

It’s easy, cheap and saves you time better spent searching for that next great job.

Since Kindle cannot properly display Resume and Cover Letter formats I’m including a special link at the end of this publication where you can download your free PDF version of “Steal This Resume”. This eBook is 913 pages long and contains over 500 job-winning Resumes and Cover Letters formatted specifically to fit on regular-sized 8 ½ by 11-inch paper — exactly the way you’d submit a hard copy to a prospective employer.

As an added bonus I’m including three Special Reports you’re sure to find useful. Special Report #1 contains resources listing over 100,000 jobs available right now. Special Report #2 discloses what the hottest jobs will be from now until 2020. And Special Report #3 reveals the very best locations for finding great jobs.

Steal This Resume is the perfect resource for job-seekers. Each of the over 500 Resumes and Cover Letters is precision-crafted using persuasive phrasing and powerful language aimed at finding great employment. The hard work has already been done. All you need to do is search out the perfect phrase or paragraph or description and make it yours.


And it’s a ton easier than writing your own great Resume from scratch. Much faster, too.

The only way I can make this any easier is by coming over to your place and writing a Resume for you. Which I’m happy to do but professional Resume writers like me are very expensive.

Now let me tell you a little secret no professional Resume writer wants you to know: we all use the same power verbs and action adjectives and marketing phrases over and over again. Really.

Think about it. When I’m writing a great Resume for a new client I always refer back to my previous Resumes and pull out the best words and phrases to use again.

And why not? There are really only a limited number of words and phrases to use anyway. But once you know what they are and where to put them you can use them yourself with great success.

And they’re all in my 913-page eBook Steal This Resume just waiting for you.

Picture it like strolling down a restaurant buffet where you can select the choicest words or phrases or descriptions and load them all onto your plate. Yours for the taking. And reasonably priced, too.

You’ll like the powerful wording and strong descriptions. Instead of spending valuable time and effort hunting for just the right word or phrase you can simply use what’s already worked for someone else. See, I’ve already done the hard part for you. Each Resume and Cover Letter in my 913-page eBook is powerfully engineered to present the job-seeker in the very best light for the very best job. That job-seeker could be you.

Why shouldn’t it be?

So what are you waiting for? With so many others out hunting for good jobs time is critical.

500 job-winning Resumes and Cover Letters plus 3 Special Reports all for just $7.95. When you think about it that’s less than two cents per sample. Holy Mackerel – I’m selling Resumes for pennies! Now that’s affordable.

Order the Kindle version of Steal This Resume now and have it downloaded instantly. On the last page you’ll find the link to download the 913-page PDF version free.

But don’t delay. This is your future and now is the time to find the perfect job you deserve.

And it all starts with your job-winning Resume and Cover Letter. Don’t wait any longer.

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Mark contacted me to write a review of his book (and therefore provided a copy to me) and what timing!  I have worked for the same company for 22 years and while have held various jobs, do not currently have a resume…..and any smart business person will tell you that having one on hand is a very smart idea because you never know when you might need to have one.  While I admit I still have not written a resume for myself, I was very impressed with the buzz words, basics, formats and examples provided in this book.  I know that I will be able to create that amazing resume that will wow potential employers at some point in the future!

I have to give this 5 paws, it is that good!  Now you can get the tips and such for free from Mark’s website, but not the examples and cover sheets.  I have to say, this book is well worth the $4.95 it costs to get good guided help and so many examples for various industries that you would be crazy not to spend the money if you are looking to write or update your resume.  The examples you get cover a variety of industries and even if your specific industry is not covered there is bound to be something close that would help you in creating the perfect resume and cover letter.


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