Blog Tour, Review & #Giveaway: Entangled by Ginger Voight @Geevie

StoreyBook Reviews 

The first 2 books “Enticed” & “Entangled” to Ginger Voight’s newest series “The Fullerton Family Saga” are NOW AVAILABLE and we don’t have to wait to long for the conclusion of this series – Book #3 will be released in March!!!

Make sure to check out the Giveaway for Signed paperbacks of the entire Saga below! Be sure to join our Facebook Event for the Blog Tour – CLICK HERE to join.


The saga continues for Rachel Dennehy, the tenacious small-town teacher caught in between two compelling, powerful brothers.
****This is Book 2 in the series. Blurb may contain spoilers for Book 1.****
In Book 2 of the Fullerton Family Saga, teacher Rachel Dennehy heads back to California to save her favorite little boy from his rapid downward spiral. She feels responsible for Jonathan’s destructive behavior, knowing it was her broken promise that sent him off the rails. She moves in with Alex, a man who had been her nemesis for so long. Thrust together with the shared goal of saving Jonathan, they find more in common than they had realized.
In fact, it is Alex who comes to her rescue Drew confronts Rachel over her “betrayal.” The chemistry still burns hot between them, but Rachel cannot forgive Drew’s cruel deception. Unfortunately he is unwilling to let her go. Drew Fullerton doesn’t like to lose, especially to his younger brother. So he proceeds with his plan to win her back, using every trick in the book to force her hand, including his son.
Young Jonathan holds fast to his dream of a real family, which tears her in yet another direction. Her heart is torn between the three Fullertons, all of whom need her in very different ways. Someone is going to get hurt, no matter what she does. She struggles to do what is right, even when she finds it puts her at direct odds with what she wants.
How far must Rachel go to win back Jonathan’s trust, and protect the men she has grown to love?


Like with Enticed, I loved Entangled despite being disappointed in Rachel in several spots. You’d think she would have learned from book 1 but it doesn’t appear that way. While she is trying to do the right thing by Jonathan, Alex, Max and herself she falls short.  This leads to miscommunications and misunderstandings and I don’t think Rachel is being true to herself.  Of course Alex is also having to learn to trust and that not everyone is out to get him.  Plus sometimes he seems just a bit too idealistic and is almost as bad as Drew in that he has a hard time bending and seeing the grey in the situations.  Not everything is black and white!

I liked the tie in to the Fierce novels with some of the characters, that was fun but wish there would have been just a little more of those characters in the book!

The book ends with an interesting event and it will be interesting to see how book 3 wraps everything up!

We give this book 5 paws.  Ginger has not written a book yet that I don’t love.


Ginger Voight is prolific author, freelance writer and optioned screenwriter. Her fiction is diverse, with novels like the edgy, coming-of-age drama DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS, and the fun family adventure for kids of all ages, COMIC SQUAD.
Having grown up reading different authors like Danielle Steel and Stephen King, Ginger has always been drawn more to story than to genre. This shows up in her various stories. Titles such as MY IMMORTAL and TASTE OF BLOOD are a delicious, heady mix of horror, suspense, and romance.
Genre romance, however, has held a special place in her heart, ever since she read her first Harlequin novel when she was only eleven. As a result, Ginger is making a name for herself writing romances of her own, starring women who look more like the average American woman rather than those traditionally represented in the size-biased American media. Her Rubenesque romances were created especially for those heroines with fuller figures, who can still get the man of their dreams if only they believe they can. Such titles include UNDER TEXAS SKIES, LOVE PLUS ONE, THE GROUPIE TRILOGY, THE FIERCE TRILOGY and PICTURE POSTCARDS.
Ginger was included in the best-selling book by Smith Magazine NOT QUITE WHAT I WAS PLANNING, featuring her six-word memoir.

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