Release Day & #Giveaway : Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy by Jodi Linton @JodiLinton1

On Wednesday, August 20th from 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST I am hosting a Facebook Party to help celebrate the release of Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy. There will be special guests, lots of fun & prizes, and tons of cowboys!
Click here to join the party!

Some cowboys are worth getting dirty for.
In her latest adventure, sassy Deputy Laney Briggs discovers the local high school football coach passed out under the stadium bleachers wearing nothing but a smile…and his wife’s lingerie.
Things really start to get wild when she runs into the smoking hot Federal Marshal, Colt Larsen, snooping around the Granger’s house. Quicker than a cold snap comes and goes in Texas, Laney finds herself up to her eyeballs in a case involving a ruthless motorcycle gang, a Mexican drug cartel, a kidnapping, and a shoot-out to rival the O.K. Corral.
In over their heads, Laney calls in the big guns—her very own Texas Ranger, Gunner Wilson, who’s ready to fulfill every last one of her desires. But as things heat up between them, the stakes get higher than ever, and Gunner’s help may not be enough for Laney to get out alive…

I plopped into my chair, tossed my hat on top of the desk, then did the same with my legs. Leaning back, I shifted my weight to get comfortable and opened my mouth  to begin telling him everything that had gone down since we’d parted ways at the stadium. “The gentleman I was speaking with is—”
“What the pretty lady was about to say,” a voice said, cutting me off in mid-sentence, “was that I’m the federal marshal she met at the Grangers’ place.”
I peeked past Elroy and wanted to die on the spot.
There, hunkered down in the back corner of the station, a hip resting against the wall, and a muscular arm tossed over the Igloo water cooler, was Colt Larsen. “How the hell…?”
He moved away from the wall and stood in the middle of the room, straight and tall. “More precisely, I’m Federal Marshal Colt Larsen from Tarpon Pass.” The smug asshole extended his hand toward Elroy.
“Tarpon Pass,” Elroy said, shaking his hand. “Now where might that be?”
“It’s down on the coast. Not too far south of Rockport,” Colt answered.
“Never heard of the place,” Elroy said.
“It’s a nice town,” Colt replied, then fixing his eyes on me, he added, “We’d love to have you come out and visit. We welcome folks of all kinds in our town.”
Elroy wiped his mouth. “My, my, a federal marshal.” He shot a look my way. “I bet Gunner’s going to lose it when he finds out you’ve tagged yourself another cowboy.”
Colt let out a short cough. “Do you mean Gunner Wilson?”
“Yeah. Who else would I be talking about?”
“I’ll be damned.” He smiled. “You’re the Laney Briggs.”
I shrugged. “And your point is?”
“It just all makes perfect sense why you shot at me tonight, that’s all.” He smiled some more, crossing by the desk and making a turn down the corridor leading to the single jail cell.
I got up and stalked after him. “Colt Larsen,” I shouted at his distancing back, “I’m warning you. If you take another step, I’ll…”
He spun around. “You’ll what? Shoot me?”
“Maybe.” I fisted my hands at my side. “Are you always a pain in the ass?”
He pulled off his hat and scratched his head. “Yes, ma’am. Well, that’s what my ex-wife used to always tell me.”
That silenced me for a minute. Before I could cough up a reply, Colt took it upon himself to help me out.
“I can’t believe it. The infamous Laney Briggs is speechless,” he taunted, winking. “Is it that you don’t see me as the marrying type?”
I narrowed my eyes and called, “Elroy, get the keys to the cell. We’re about to have ourselves a little chat with Mr. Granger.”
Jodi Linton lives and works in Texas, with her husband and two kids. She can be found cozied up to the computer escaping into a quirky world of tall tales, sexy, tight jean wearing cowboys, and a protagonist with a sharp-tongue quick enough to hang any man out to dry. Â She is currently at work on her next Deputy Laney Briggs book.

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