Spotlight – I’mPossible: Desire, Dream, Do by Jeff Griffin @griffinmotivate #motivational
The sun’s rays filtered in from the partially opened shades of the plane. They lit up the world in front of me and warmed my soul, knowing I was almost to my destination. The beautiful golden light replaced the grey and hazy cobwebs from my eyes, revealing the most spectacular scene I had ever seen in my entire life. I looked out the small seven-inch window and witnessed something that I’ll never forget! I beheld something in this magnificent world that the majority of people never get to see. I was looking out at Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak!
I was at the tail end of a three-flight journey with two layovers in between, nearly logging twenty-four hours of flight time. I hadn’t gotten any real sleep in the last thirty-six hours. My bloodshot eyes were heavy, my mind was slow and sluggish, and my body was even slower in response. How did I get here? I thought to myself. Am I d-r-e-a-m-i-n-g?
As Lao and Confucius once said, “A journey of one-thousand miles begins with one step.” My story is about inspiring you to take your own journey one step at a time. It’s about dreaming and accomplishing the impossible. It’s not only about aiming for the sky and reaching for the stars but enjoying the journey along the way.
Begin your personal journey today, press forward to the top, and don’t you ever stop. As you move toward your dreams, there will be obstacles and setbacks along the way; don’t be afraid. You can get to the top of your world by following the signs and guide posts within these pages. You can do it with others! You can do it with me! We can do it together, one step at a time!
Get a download of Chapter One on Jeff’s Website
Q&A with Jeff
What inspired you to write I’Mpossible? – My book is all about accomplishing the impossible and the journey we must take to fulfill our dreams. When I got to college the professor had all 150 of his students write a paragraph on a certain topic and hand it in. The next day he called six students names in the classroom and had them go to back of the room. They were told in semi-private terms that they needed to take a remedial class so they could get caught up. I was one of those six! I didn’t know it at the time but It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I learned the basics of writing. I had a personal experience with a professor that cared about what I had inside my mind and heart. He was someone who wanted me to learn how to express and share my own ideas and stories. He taught me that the impossible was possible. He helped planted a seed of hope in the field of stories. I now love to lounge around in the world of words! This class and professor helped liberate me from the chains of doubt and discouragement.  In return I hope to inspire millions to take their own first step towards their own dreams and desires with my personal story from trying to tragedy to triumph. My joy and happiness comes from helping others break free and see there is more to life than what we see!
What makes your book different than other motivational books? – I tried to make my book a little different by not only telling a heroic story but also giving some obvious and not so obvious clues on how to climb and overcome your own challenge of life. Whether it is physical, mental, social, or intellectual I believe there is a way to accomplish the impossible. There are guide posts instead of chapters and there is an invitation for every reader to think about certain areas of their lives and other places to take action with those thoughts. The invitations are not overwhelming and may seem too simple but if followed, they will change your life. I tried to make it clear and simple but powerful!
About the Author
Jeff Griffin is a wheelchair athlete who earned his Master’s degree in Education and knows how to win. He played in the 2004 Athens Olympics, holds a Guinness Book of World Records, and is a four time NWBA All-Star MVP. He enjoys mentoring youth, distributing wheelchairs, and providing Peer Training Materials through his humanitarian efforts with LDS Charities. He is passionate about progress.