Best of 2017 #Giveaway Hop #win #AmazonGC

StoreyBook Reviews 

Did you have any favorite books last year?  I had a few that is for sure!

Here are some of my favorites that I reviewed here on my blog, click on the image to visit the blog post with my review

There were a lot more books that I loved this year but these are just a few that I really loved.



I am giving away a $10 Amazon GC so that you can pick up one of my favorite books from last year, or a book that you have been wanting!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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StoreyBook Reviews 

55 thoughts on “Best of 2017 #Giveaway Hop #win #AmazonGC

  1. Cynthia R

    My favorite read in 2017 was LaRose by Louise Erdich.

  2. Jamie E.

    I didn’t read many 2017 titles as I have been focused on older titles but I liked THe Silver Mask by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.

  3. Judy Cox

    I really enjoyed A Court of Mist & Fury by Sarah J. Maas.

  4. BookAttict

    I loved Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop.

  5. Uhunoma Aguebor

    My favorite book of 2017 was After the Game by Abbi Glines!

  6. Laurajj

    Oh so many great ones in 2017!!! One of my favorites was The Summer of Serendipity by Ali McNamara!

  7. Sylvia M.

    For Love or Honor by Sarah M. Eden

  8. Autumn

    Six of Crows was the best book I read in 2017.

  9. Anne C

    I love A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab!

  10. Cricket

    I would have to say Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

  11. kim charlton

    Favorite book I read in 2017 was Pages in the Wind..thank you!

  12. Lori smanski

    that is a tough question. I have several, Jerusalem Rising, The California Gold Rush collection, The Sheriffs of Savage Wells, Her Heart on the Line, etc…

  13. Trixi

    I have two that stand out for 2017, though I have read many great ones. Life After by Katie Ganshert and Sweetbrair Cottage by Denise Hunter. I’m looking forward to more from both of these authors!

    Thank you for the gift card giveaway chance.

  14. Brittany

    My favorite book was Heroine Complex

  15. Caroline R.

    My favorite is The Hate U Give

  16. Jaime

    I loved Still by Kennedy Ryan!

  17. Carol Luciano

    My favorite read of 2017 is hard. I read aso many memorable books. I’ll go with Beach House For Rent by Mary Alice Monroe and Devil’s Cut by JR Ward.

  18. GabyN

    My favorite 2017 book was Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo.

  19. Karen

    Oh my goodness, there were a lot of great books last year! I really loved Love at First Note by Jenny Proctor. The main character’s connection to music is so beautiful. In His Eyes by Stephenia McGee was such an amazing reminder to be secure in God’s love for us even when it feels like we’re unloved here on earth. The Mark of the King by Jocelyn Green was a really cool lesson on the history of New Orleans wrapped in an exciting Christian romance. Those are just a few examples off the top of my head! Lol

  20. John Smith

    “What was your favorite book in 2017?” “The Dreadful Tale Of Prosper Redding” was very good!

  21. Ashley @ Ashleyz Wonderland

    That’s a toss up between Fixin’ to Die, Southern Fried and Purr M for Murder. Thank you for the giveaway!!

  22. Susan Smith

    My favorite book of 2017 was Louise Penny’s Glass Houses

  23. Fee Roberts

    I’ve got two. Omens of Fury by Sean Hinn and Shadow Weaver by MarcyKate Connolly.

  24. Heidi Robbins

    I loved The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay!

  25. Calvin

    Mashed potatos lasagna, pumpkin pie

  26. Rita Wray

    Secrets We Keep by Faith Hogan.

  27. Cali W.

    Thanks for the giveaway! I liked Hunted by Megan Spooner. 🙂

  28. Jan Lee

    I liked Odd and True by Cat Winters 🙂

  29. Kelly

    My favorite book in 2017 was Illusions of a Reluctant Messiah.

  30. Stephanie

    Secondborn by Amy Bartol.

  31. Hope Mitchner

    My favorite book that I read in 2017 was A Reporter’s Life
    by Walter Cronkit. Obviously it was not written in 2017 but it was a great book.

  32. Onyinye Elochukwu

    My favorite as Knight’s Prize.

  33. Beth T.

    My favorite book of 2017 was Louise Penny’s “Glass Houses”.

  34. Daniela

    My favorite was The Chosen by JR Ward.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Amanda

    Two favorites were The Hate U Give and Turtles All the Way Down.

  36. Sara Zielinski

    Ready Player one

  37. Maria Dalmau

    Pumpkin pie is my favorite.

  38. Angela

    Favorite holiday food Sweet Potato casserole and Apple Pie.

  39. bn100

    pumpkin pie

  40. Susan Schleicher

    Love all the cookies at the holidays.

  41. Kristyn @ Reading To Unwind

    My favorite holiday food would be pumpkin anything!!

  42. Pam Graber

    I love Christmas cookies.

  43. Elizabeth Robinson

    My favorite holiday food is Turkey.

  44. Edye

    I love sugar cookies!

  45. Maria A. Malaveci

    Mashed Potatoes & corn

  46. Becky Richardson

    I love fruitcake cookies or pumpkin cheesecake.

  47. Lisa Brown

    i like foods from the christmas season like peacan pie, pumpkin pie, stuffing.

  48. James Robert

    My favorite holiday foods is an entire turkey dinner

  49. Dianna

    My favorite holiday food is broccoli cheese casserole. For some reason, I never eat it any other time of the year.

  50. Vanessa

    My favorite holiday food is turkey and dressing. =]

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