Review & #Giveaway – Einstein’s Compass by Grace Blair & Laren Bright @gracethemystic #YA #TimeTravel #LSBBT #alberteinstein

StoreyBook Reviews 

Einstein’s Compass

A YA Time Traveler Adventure


Grace Blair & Laren Bright

Genre: Young Adult / Historical / Fantasy / Science Fiction

Certified Lexile Measure: 860L

Publisher: Modern Mystic Media

Publication Date: January 2, 2019

Number of Pages: 394 pages

Coming on Audio, February 2019!


How did Albert Einstein come up with his wondrous theories of light and time? In Einstein’s Compass: A YA Time Traveler Adventure, a young Albert is given a supernatural compass that allows him to travel through time and space and find wisdom in other dimensions, including the lost city of Atlantis. But evil forces seek the power of the compass, including a monstrous, shape-shifting dragon from a different age. Can the compass protect Albert from such villainy?


“This is an amazing story. Everyone should thoroughly enjoy reading it. I was impressed with how the authors managed to incorporate the known information on the lost continent of Atlantis, Light Workers, souls, reincarnation, time travel and the early years of Albert Einstein before he became famous, into a mesmerizing work of fiction readers will have difficulty putting down.  –Doug Simpson, Author of We Lived in Atlantis

“I could not stop reading this book. I read at stop lights and in line at the grocery store. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.” –— award-winning children’s author, Lisa Reinicke

This is highly recommended for those who enjoy a saga of good vs. evil that spans tens of thousands of years, for readers who devour novels that blend history and fantasy, and for anyone who is simply looking for a unique story that they will not want to put down.  — Author Jacqui Murray, Ask a Tech Teacher blog

The weaving of the story between the religion realm and Albert’s world is a captivating tale that keeps the reader’s attention. The good and evil of the timeless religious realm is like watching a chess match to see who outwits whom … I hope there is a next book somewhere in my future. –- Rox Burkey, author of the Enigma Series

Time Travel – check
Historical – check
YA – check
Fantasy – check
Fascinating read – check

As you can see, this book checked off a lot of boxes for me and what I like to read.  (Ok, the fantasy genre depends on the book).  But this melds the past and present, time travel, and even some religious aspects with great ease.  I noticed that the book was well researched because many facts of Albert Einstein’s life matched up to another book I read last year, so that made me happy that I didn’t have to run off and figure out which book was right and which one was wrong!

This is a classic good vs. evil plot line – but with some unique twists.  There are light workers which could translate to Guardian Angel in a way since that is how one appears to young Albert when he needs some help.  They are on the religious side because there are references to Jesus, Moses and other biblical figures you might recognize.  Then there is Raka who has managed to survive many centuries only to awake to create havoc in his quest for the Compass which he feels will grant him anything he desires.

There are many characters that are woven into this story that add dimension and kept me engaged in the story from start to finish.  The story was a fairly steady pace until the end as the conflict between Einstein and Raka escalated and the story really took off and moved at a fast pace.

There are times that I gasped at certain events that crushed my heart and other times that I was amazed at the depths of evil from various characters.  I wondered about their sanity but they were the right balance to offset the good characters so that the story wasn’t overly sweet and innocent.

We enjoyed this book and give it 5 paws up!


Grace Blair is an award-winning self-help and motivational author, and podcast host, who has assisted thousands to find their spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges. Throughout her adult life, Grace became a serious student of the spiritual. She found that, often, psychological principles and practices were incomplete, but could be filled out by adding the missing spiritual component. Her approach was always to see practical applications for what she uncovered in the mystical. It was through immersing herself in this field of study and experience that she came up with her idea for her book, Einstein’s Compass. She lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, Dr. John Blair.

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Laren Bright is a three-time Emmy nominated award-winning writer who has written nearly 100 children’s animated cartoon scripts. He has spent the majority of his professional life over the last two decades assisting authors to produce topnotch books with titles and other promotional writing indistinguishable from those of mainstream publishers. During that time, in addition to Einstein’s Compass, he also co-authored a young adult fantasy series and several books for young children about positive values. Laren lives in Los Angeles with his wife, computer, and two grand-dogs.

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FIRST PRIZE: eBook + Einstein’s Compass Cap

SECOND PRIZE: eBook + Einstein socks; THIRD PRIZE: eBook + bookmark

JANUARY 2-11, 2019

(eBooks can be sent internationally, swag open to USA only)

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1 Comment

  1. Kristine Hall

    Nothing better than getting the boxes checked-off! Great review!

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