Spotlight – Unlevel Playing Fields by Dave Tomlinson #@stepaheadtravel #Sports #nonfiction #trailer #excerpt

StoreyBook Reviews 



From as long as sports have been played, it has always evoked great passion and emotion.  Human error will always be a factor but nothing infuriates fans like officiating blunders and blatant cheating.  And nothing arouses curiosity and unabated feeling more than circumstances so unusual that nobody is quite sure how the moment will be resolved.  Welcome to a captivating journey through some of the greatest sporting controversies in history.  These are the fascinating backstories and consequences of not only the most debatable moments in sports but also some of its most scandalous characters.


Sport is unique in the passion and emotion it evokes. Players, coaches and fans of a team think every call should go their way. Any given game can potentially be littered with controversial moments, where one side or the other is left feeling cheated. But nothing has created as much criticism, debate or unabated feeling as the 25 events in this book. These are the fascinating backstories and consequences of not only the most debatable moments in sport, but also some of its most controversial characters. Were correct decisions made and was the outcome appropriate? I’ll let you decide.


About the Author

I’m originally from New Zealand and now live in Brisbane Australia. My passions in life are travel, outdoor adventure, and sport.

I’ve explored over 50 countries across 5 continents of the world, which inspired me to create a website and write two travel books. Travel Unravelled is a guide book for anyone wanting to travel the world on a budget and Around the World in 80 Tales is a collection of my experiences doing exactly that.

More recently, I have begun a series of sports books. ‘Days of Miracle and Wonder’ tells the unique stories behind 25 of the most incredible sporting victories and the impact they had on the lives of those involved. There will be more sports books with amazing true stories coming soon!

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