Review & #Giveaway – Coded for Murder by Dianne Smithwick-Braden @smithwickbraden #LSBBT #MurderMystery #AmateurSleuth #TexasAuthor #TexasBook

StoreyBook Reviews 



Coded for Murder


Dianne Smithwick-Braden


Genre: Murder Mystery / Amateur Sleuth

Publisher: DSB Mysteries

Publication Date: September 26, 2019

Number of Pages: 358 pages






Jade O’Neal is a senior at West Texas A & M University in Canyon, Texas. She’s on track to graduate with highest honors and a degree in history until she is accused of murder. She juggles her busy school and work schedule around taking care of an overgrown Rottweiler and being questioned by police until she finds a series of clues hidden in puzzle form. Time is against her as she follows the clues to find the true identity of the murderer while avoiding arrest and her own murder.



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I love a good mystery and this newest book from Dianne Smithwick-Braden had my detective skills going at full speed.

The book starts off cryptically wondering who these characters are and why they are concerned about an event from the past and someone named Erik O’Neal. We don’t really know who they are since they use codenames, but you do know it is someone with clout.  As the book progresses, several potential suspects are revealed but until the end, I had no idea which character was the bad guy and I don’t think there were enough clues to give it away too soon.  There is one clue in the beginning but I am not sure I picked up on it until I reread the first chapter.  Now, I am wondering if I missed another clue that would have told me who the killer was before being revealed?

Jade is the sleuth that ends up figuring everything out, but not without some help and not before she ends up in some situations where she could have ended up like her Uncle Erik.  I was amazed at how clueless Jade was during the first half of the book.  Perhaps she was caught up in school, work, and a new love interest.  But thankfully she wises up sooner rather than later, but she is pretty much on her own not knowing whom to trust.  Once Jade realized what was going on, things changed quickly in her actions and manner.

I enjoyed the National Treasure tie-in to this story, as well as, the puzzles that Jade has to solve to figure out who killed Erik and why.   Then there is Teddy, the dog she and her uncle raised from a puppy.  He is no small dog and he is very protective of Jade and Erik.  Teddy’s personality shines through and quickly became one of my favorite characters.  I also enjoyed that the chapters told you the day and time, sort of like a diary or journal.  This was helpful especially if there was a jump in time, I knew it was hours later or the next day and it helped me stay on track with the time.

This is a book that will have you looking over your shoulder, wondering if someone is following you or if there is someone right around the corner that has plans that you don’t wish to participate in with them.

There were a couple of funny lines that stood out to me and I want to share those with you.  There are many more, but these two really made me laugh.  The second one is out of context so it may not seem funny, but imagine the characters dodging bullets.

“Does your dog often drag you across campus?”

“Are you all right?” Hudson shouted.  “What took you so long?” Jade shouted back. “Well, you know, did laundry, got a haircut.”


We really enjoyed this book and I’m not sure if it will be a series or not, but if it is I will be anxiously awaiting the next book.  We give this 5 paws up.






Dianne Smithwick-Braden is a native Texan raised on the family farm near Vernon, Texas. She seasons her mysteries with a little romance, a dash of adventure, and a touch of humor. She currently resides in Amarillo, Texas with her husband, Richard.


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2 thoughts on “Review & #Giveaway – Coded for Murder by Dianne Smithwick-Braden @smithwickbraden #LSBBT #MurderMystery #AmateurSleuth #TexasAuthor #TexasBook

  1. Dianne

    Thanks for the nice review!

  2. Kristine Hall

    Love a book that pulls you in so much that you start carrying the same emotions (paranoia) as the characters! That’s good writing! Thanks for the post & review!

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