Review – A Fatal Fiction by Kaitlyn Dunnett #cozy #mystery

StoreyBook Reviews 





Freelance book editor Mikki Lincoln knows the makings of a well-written story. But she’ll need to choose her words wisely when a new assignment introduces a deadly plot twist . . .

Forgotten on the outskirts of quaint Lenape Hollow, Feldman’s Catskill Resort Hotel has outlasted its heyday as a popular tourist destination and now awaits demolition. But once Mikki is hired to edit a revealing memoir by Sunny Feldman, the last living relative of its original owners, the doomed resort quickly ends up back in the spotlight . . .

Unfortunately, everyone’s attention shifts to Mikki when a body is discovered at the demolition site. Seen arguing with deceptive entrepreneur Greg Onslow right before his shocking death, the editor has no choice but to spell out exactly why she isn’t guilty of murdering him . . .

Mikki’s dash for answers brings Greg’s shady dealings into focus, along with an unsettling list of potential culprits. As false leads and dead ends force her to revise theories on who really did it, can Mikki judge fact from fiction before the investigation reaches a terrifying conclusion?



Available June 30th, 2020


Amazon * B&N * Kobo * IndieBound




This is the 3rd book in the series.  I normally only like to read in order but didn’t realize this was the 3rd book in the series.  Other than some references to the past two murders she helps to solve, this book can definitely be read as a stand-alone.

Mikki Lincoln is a spunky and tough woman that has enough energy for someone half her age.  She is also confident and doesn’t need anyone to watch over her, as her nephew, Nick, soon finds out when sent to visit by his mother, Mikki’s sister-in-law.  Nick was a little too overprotective for my liking.  Mikki wasn’t a feeble minded old woman, she could well enough take care of herself.  However, Mikki compares Nick to her deceased husband and that they were both bull headed and it took a while to bring them around to the right way of thinking….her way!

There is a varied cast of characters and while many might have a motive to kill Greg Onslow, there was only one murderer in the lot.  I will have to admit that I didn’t suspect this character and probably should have looking back.  There weren’t a lot of clues to point the reader in this person’s direction, but when you look at the possibilities, this person was definitely one of the ones to consider.

I really liked the writing and grammar tips at the end.  Some great tips for me to put into effect.

A very enjoyable book and a series I would suggest checking out.  We give this 4 paws up.







About the Author


Kaitlyn Dunnett is a pseudonym used by Kathy Lynn Emerson, author of the Mistress Jaffrey Mysteries, the Face Down Mysteries featuring Susanna Appleton, 16th century gentlewoman, herbalist, and sleuth, the Diana Spaulding 1888 Quartet, and the award-winning How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries, plus an assortment of other books.

As Kaitlyn, she writes the Liss MacCrimmon series set in Moosetookalook, Maine, and the Deadly Edits series set in rural Sullivan County, New York.

She is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and other professional organizations and blogs regularly with Maine Crime Writers.


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