Review – An Indelible Day by Cairo Marques #shortstory
The story accompanies a single day of John C., a man of about thirty. In this short passage of time he has three dialogues with three different people. These dialogues, certainly, have shaped his day and, likely, will exist within him eternally.
This short story is not a quick read. Yes, the story can be read in less than 1/2 hour, but the themes running through the story are not light and might cause one to reflect on how they view others and themselves.
John C (mostly referred to as C) in this book has three separate interactions with those he meets in the course of a day. His therapist’s secretary, his therapist, and his first love. It is interesting to view C in these interactions because you can tell he has some issues relating to others and afraid of offending others with his words. It is also this insecurity that causes others to act differently around him too which just further intensifies his fears.
Because this is a short story we don’t have the ability to really know John C and what made him who he is today. But his conversations with his therapist, the therapist’s secretary, his first love, and even his own thoughts, allow us to see a little deeper into his personality and who he is as a person.
I enjoyed the story and it did take a little bit of time for me to follow the flow of the language in the book because the author is from another country and every country has its own way of speaking. This is not a bad thing at all because it helps expand my understanding of other countries and how people might speak and interact with others. It also allows me to cultivate an appreciation for other cultures and countries.
If you pick up this book, allow yourself time to really delve into the character and the story and appreciate the complexity of the character.
We give this book 3 1/2 paws up and look forward to what this author decides to publish next.
About the Author
Cairo Marques was born in 1996 and is based in Brazil. He is an engineer and writer. He writes stories. Most of them are short ones. Recently he felt that one of them was worthy of being published and so he did, with his first book called “An Indelible Day”. He also enjoys stroganoff, actually, he loves it.