Excerpt & #Giveaway – Mad Ramblings of a Joker by Brandon Dillon @PAPublish #LSBBT #poetry #PTSD #USMarine #SingleFather #HumanStruggles #Veteran #ShatteredDreams

StoreyBook Reviews 





By Brandon Dillon



Publisher: Paper Airplane Publishing

Pub Date: January 24, 2021

Pages: 156 pages

Categories: Poetry / Psychology / PTSD / Veteran Stories


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Poet Brandon Dillon makes his debut with The Mad Ramblings of a Joker, a brutally honest collection full of metaphor and vibrant imagery. His work covers topics such as PTSD, depression, and heartbreak, and softer moments of hope and reflective peace.


His poetry is deep and unforgettable, a beacon for a dark world that needs a friend to say, “I’ve been there. I understand.”




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by Brandon Dillon





I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.

I was not angry.

I was not sad.

I was not scared.


I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.

I could walk through

crowds of people

with no fear

of anyone exploding;

pink mist, and shrapnel

would not consume me.

I walked through crowded places

completely oblivious

to made-up danger,

no more hyper alertness

draining me.

I did not scan my surroundings

for imaginable sniper nests,

ambush points,

and danger areas.

I did not watch the ground

second guessing each step

wondering if I could live

without my legs.


I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.

I did not belong to groups

whose sole purpose is

suicide watch.

I had never lost a brother

to himself;

we as a people did not

have a suicide rate 50 percent

higher than civilians.


I did not know the taste

of a gun in my mouth

seasoned with tears and fear.

I did not have

suicidal tendencies.


I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.

My marriage was not

in shambles.

I did not push away

anyone who got too close.

I did not try to destroy

all relationships.

I was not happy

only in conflict.

I did not burn

bridges as I walked across them.


I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.

I did not need medicine;

I did not need therapy.

I did not need intensive trauma therapy;

I did not need cognitive therapy

to restructure my mind

on how I moved throughout the world.

I did not use pills, just to bring me

to a level to use these coping skills.

I did not need coping skills.


I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.


I had a dream,

and in this dream

I was ok.


I had a dream,

and then I woke up.





Brandon Dillon is an award-winning poet who writes from the soul about his life as a child born into poverty, his travels around the world as a U.S. Marine, love won and love lost, and the trauma that life brings.

If you ask him his biggest accomplishments thus far, he will tell you they are the laughter and tears of the audience as he reads his words on the stage for them. He is amazed when people feel his emotion and in turn show him their emotion.

He has twice performed by invitation, reading his poetry at the FASOLT Fine Arts Expo, and has participated twice in “Color: Story,” a collaboration between poets and visual artists, winning first place in 2019. When he is not working or taking care of his two sons, Brandon frequents open mic readings for poetry and all genres of writing with the group Writespace and performs at open mic and slam poetry events with the group Write About Now, at times reading something he just wrote that day.

He is never far from his notebook, fitting his writing in between shifts at work, kids and homework, and sleeping. Brandon lives in Houston, Texas.


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Autographed copy of The Mad Ramblings of a Joker


+ leather journal (5.7” x 8.5”)


US only. Ends midnight, CDT, April 26, 2021.





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1 Comment

  1. Kristine Hall

    Wow. That is so very sad. Makes my heart ache — we just never know the burdens others are carrying, and we definitely take our military servicemen and women for granted. Thanks for sharing this poem and book.

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