Guest Post & #Giveaway – A Night to Remember by Danny & Wanda Pelfrey @dwpelfrey #cozy #MysteryMonday

StoreyBook Reviews 





A Night to Remember An Adairsville Heritage Mystery
Cozy Mystery
2nd in series
Setting – Georgia
CrossLink Publishing (September 14, 2022)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 209 pages




Riley Gordan is back in Adairsville, Georgia anticipating a leisurely vacation from the rigors of law school with her college friend, Trish. Then, as part of a political plot, one of her Sunday School girls is kidnapped. Stumbling upon the abduction, Riley and her friends are drawn headfirst into a search for the girl.

Their probe leads them into a fast paced and dangerous string of encounters that include a Neanderthal named Houston, searches in some of the most hazardous places in North Georgia, a green Kia Soul, an old man with a big gun, and ultimately murder.

It is an adventure that provides some unusual twists and turns and is highlighted by a beautiful relationship between an old baseball player entering politics and a spunky adolescent who are jointly known around town as “Nate and The Kid.”



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Character Guest Post



Nate Bannister character sketch by Wanda Pelfrey



Hello, I’m Nate Bannister, and I’m running for Bartow County Commissioner. Unfortunately, that may prove to be the worst decision I have ever made.

When I was a young man, I lived my dream as a professional baseball player. I did okay and invested my earnings in property here just outside of Adairsville. I married the love of my life, and we had a sweet baby girl. Sadly, I lost both of them too early. The baby when she was just two and her mother a few years later. That left two large holes in my heart, but the Lord provided some special friends to help fill that hole. The Boyntons and their little girl, Kaylene, have given me a lot of joy through the years. I guess you could say I’ve been an unofficial godfather to Kaylene.

Now, just because I got the notion to run for office in my golden years all that is threatened. No sir! I won’t let that happen. I wouldn’t trade that child for the office of President of these United States much less county commissioner. My only fear is that the monster who has her won’t keep his end of the bargain.



About the Authors


Danny and Wanda Pelfrey are graduates of Atlanta Christian College (now Point University). Danny earned a masters from Kentucky Christian University. He spent 45 years in the pastorate. Wanda served as a primary Montessori teacher for twenty-four years. They have two daughters and are blessed with five amazing grandchildren.

Wanda’s career as a writer took off shortly after college, when she started writing curriculum and educational aids for a variety of publishers. Her book, MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR CHILD’S TEACHABLE MOMENTS, published by Moody Press went through several printings and brought her a lot of attention and respect as a writer. However, she put her writing career on hold shortly thereafter to become a teacher.

Danny’s interest in writing was fostered by his wife’s love of the craft. He wrote articles for various publications, a newspaper column, and eventually three non-fiction books. Traditional publisher CrossLink released three of the four Davis Morgan Mysteries co-authored by the couple, as well as the first two books in the Adairsville Heritage Mystery series. A NIGHT TO REMEMBER is #2 in the Adairsville Heritage series.

The Pelfreys live in their little Cape Cod cottage in their small north Georgia hometown of Adairsville, Georgia, which serves as the setting for their mysteries with a message. They enjoy a life that is often centered around their five grandchildren and their love for putting words on paper.


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1 Comment

  1. Brenda Ellis

    This sounds like a book I would dive right into.

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