Guest Post & #Giveaway – Cat House by Mollie Hunt #cozy #mystery #newrelease

StoreyBook Reviews 





Cat House (Crazy Cat Lady Mystery)
Cozy Cat Mystery
10th in Series
Setting – Portland, Oregon
Independently Published (October 29, 2023)
Number of Pages: 255




This Halloween, the cats are hiding, and the monsters don’t wear costumes.

Young men from the Portland-Seattle area are going missing. It’s just another sad headline to Lynley Cannon—until she starts her new cat sitting job for an enigmatic neighbor Darla, that is.

An off-limits room, a suspicious phone message involving drugs, and the sudden appearance of a missing man’s cat peaks Lynley’s interest, but how far can she go before her cat-like curiosity turns deadly?










Guest Post


Featuring Lynley Cannon, hero of the Crazy Cat Lady Cozy Mysteries


by Mollie Hunt



My name is Lynley Cannon and I have nine cats. No, I’m not a hoarder. I just can’t pass up a cat in need, and as long as I can care for all of them and give them an environment of plenty, it can’t be considered hoarding.

I know a lot about cats, though I am always learning more. Did you know that petting a cat can lower your blood pressure, or that many cat (and animal) advocates, including myself, have chosen to live a vegan lifestyle? How about the fact that cats don’t taste sweets or see the color red? It’s said their little vocal cords can produce up to one hundred different sounds. “Meow” to that! In ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as gods, and as you may have heard on the internet, they have never forgotten it.

I’m what people call a cat person, and sometimes, a crazy cat lady, but I’m not quite crazy yet, I swear. I do find myself in a lot of mischief, however. It’s not my fault. I’m curious as any one of my cats, and that curiosity has consequences.

For example, I recently decided to take a job cat sitting for a woman in my neighborhood. In all my sixty-some years, I’d never thought about working as a cat sitter before, but there was something about the flyer on the cat shelter bulletin board that caught my eye. Whether it was the photo of her extensive clowder posed on a white sofa or the picture of her house which I recognized from my walks around the block, I’m not certain. All I can say is her plea made me curious, and before I knew it, I was embroiled in something that went far beyond sitting with cats.

Last summer I took on another job I’d never done before as a live-in foster mom to a diva cat who happened to be the only occupant of one of Portland’s most prestigious mansions. Winter Orange, Winnie for short, was a ward of Friends of Felines cat shelter where I volunteer. Her person had died, though it quickly came to light the man had been murdered. And there I was, stuck in the middle of deception and intrigue trying to take care of a cat!

There have been other incidences as well where my curiosity brought me trouble and even danger.

I got sealed in a subterranean tunnel with a handsome feline archaeologist who couldn’t find a way out.

I helped solve a locked room mystery and clear a cat of the murder rap, but only after I was almost killed myself.

I infiltrated a group of vigilante cosplayers to discover who did away with their leader Captain Cat. The situation turned out to be more deadly than I could ever have expected.

And the list goes on.

My teenage granddaughter Seleia presses me to be more careful. Sometimes I think she wants me to stay at home watching television and sipping chamomile tea like other women my age. Sorry, but that’s not going to happen.

I don’t intend to get myself into any more tomfoolery, however, and I have a plan to keep busy with a new and harmless hobby. My best friend and shelter buddy Frannie DeSoto has become a member of a quilting club, and she wants me to join too. I’m not much of a seamstress, but she promises I’ll figure it out as I go. The group specializes in cat-themed designs, so it sounds like it’s right up my alley. And what possible trouble, beyond poking myself with a needle, could I get into making quilts?


To read more of Lynley’s adventures, check out the Crazy Cat Lady Cozy Mystery Series. Books need not be read in order—just pick a topic that appeals to you and go!



About the Author


Cat Writer Mollie Hunt is the award-winning author of two cozy series: the Crazy Cat Lady Mysteries featuring a sixty-something cat shelter volunteer who finds more trouble than a cat in catnip, and the Tenth Life Paranormal Mysteries involving a ghost cat. Her Cat Seasons Sci-Fantasy Tetralogy presents extraordinary cats saving the world. She recently released a COVID memoir, which she calls “a tale of a plague and politics, of depression and inspiration, and an ode to the very real and healing presence of cats.” In her spare time, she pens a bit of cat poetry as well.

Mollie is a member of the Oregon Writers’ Colony, Sisters in Crime, the Cat Writers’ Association, Willamette Writers, and the Northwest Independent Writers Association (NIWA). She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and a varying number of cats. Like her cat lady character, she is a grateful shelter volunteer.



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3 thoughts on “Guest Post & #Giveaway – Cat House by Mollie Hunt #cozy #mystery #newrelease

  1. […] 1 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST […]

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  3. C. Lee McKenzie

    I’m always drawn to cozy mysteries by their covers. They seem to beckon me to open the book and read.

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