Review – The Glow in Loretta’s Garden by Lois Wickstrom
When Loretta digs in the dirt to plant her flower garden, she discovers glowing larvae. Learn about the lifecycle of the firefly as she puts the larvae in her empty ant farm box and watches the larvae build tunnels and mud houses. After they hatch, she also learns the secret to their special flashing messages.
This book will introduce young readers to the life cycle of fireflies. I have to admit, I learned a few facts that I did not know about these insects.
Loretta is a curious young girl, and when she finds these glowing larvae in her garden, she puts them into her ant farm container so she can watch them grow and become full-fledged fireflies. She studies their life cycle and even learns how to have them come to her by using a small flashlight, imitating their flashing patterns.
This book is good for all young readers, especially those with a strong interest in insects. There is even a page at the end that goes through the life stages of fireflies that parents could read to their children and discuss this fascinating insect with them.
We give it 4 paws up.
About the Author
Lois Wickstrom earned her BA in biology with a minor in chemistry and English. She is the creator of the Imagenie videos on YouTube and “Starting With Safety,” available from the American Chemical Society. She also co-authored the Nessie’s Grotto Books with Jean Lorrah and the Orange Forest Rabbit books with Lucrecia Darling.
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 About the Illustrator
The artist Francie Mion received a degree in fine art and resumed her avocation for art after a career in the holistic health field as a Massage Therapist. She has illustrated Lois Wickstrom’s STEM books. Some take place in the Colorado Mountains.