Book Release excerpt paranormal romance

New Release & Excerpt – Stone of Fear by Margaret Izard

StoreyBook Reviews 



Marie Murray, a spunky expert on spiritual buildings, jumps at the opportunity to renovate the chapel mosaic floor at Dunstaffnage Castle, where she falls hard for the dashing John MacArthur. From their first kiss, sparks fly.

Believing her religious renovation creates magic, a fanatical priest kidnaps Marie. Obsessed with obtaining a powerful magic Stone of Iona, he drags her to 15th-century Scotland.

With his love kidnapped, John must tackle his hereditary duty and locate a magic Fae stone while chasing his love across time. Her memories of their passion keep her sane. His fuel his will to find her.

Will John get to Marie in time to save her soul?




When he strolled toward the chapel, he smiled. She would stay there much longer now the Historic Society of Scotland approved the next project, the excavation of what Marie and Bree believed to be the village from the eighteenth century. Last night remained magical and marked the beginning of their new life together.

Magical. The word sparked John’s memory of the first time he observed Marie from the wall walk the day she arrived for Bree’s renovation project. Laird Ronald and Lady Emily MacDougall remained alive, back when things were simpler. The laird and lady were away, which left John to show Marie around. He never forgot the first time he saw her.

From his perch on the wall walk, John waited for the scholar. She stepped out of the car, grabbed her bags from the back seat, and glanced at the chapel. She possessed bright golden hair she pulled back in a ponytail which flapped in the wind. John’s eyes followed her gaze to the chapel as the building sat in the morning light. Like a beacon, it glowed brightly in the sunlight. The dew cast shimmering flecks of light which reflected off the water like jewels in the woods.

He sensed her step as she rounded the car. John saw her more clearly. Marie’s petite body strode with a lively bounce to her step. She came here for the chapel renovation—her specialty, rocks. Well, old churches, but Marie came here for the mosaic flooring. They communicated over the phone and email for some time before she made the trip to see the floor. Over time, professional banter quickly turned into romantic flirtation which made John search for any excuse to speak with her again.

John turned to go down to greet her when he sensed a tweak at his heart.

She stopped and glanced up. Time slowed. They stared into one another’s eyes. A spark of awareness washed over John. His soul said mine. It felt like they floated and drifted together.

Someone startled Marie, and she turned, the spell broken by Mrs. Abernathy, the main housekeeper who called Marie inside the castle.

John pulled up short of his run. So lost in thought, he stood at the doorway to the chapel. The door stood wide open. John glanced around the yard and didn’t see Marie. Now that he looked, he didn’t see Ronnie, Conner, or Ian, the wharf workers hired to help with the excavation project.

John strode into the chapel and called Marie’s name but only encountered an empty aisle. He called her name again, and his voice echoed lightly as dust particles danced in the sunlight that shone through the stained-glass windows. A chill spread up his spine as a bead of sweat dripped down his back. Something wasn’t right.

He marched out of the chapel and scanned the area. Certainly, she couldn’t have gone too far. Movement in the distance by the dock caught his attention. A man in all black carried a sack over his shoulder and lumbered toward a boat docked there. This seemed strange. There were no tourist boats due on the property today.

John strode to the man and, when he turned, John saw what he carried wasn’t a sack, but legs dangled in front of the man. His heart skipped as he ran near the man and never took his eyes off him.

The man flung the body into the boat, and that’s when realization hit him. A blonde ponytail flapped from the head. John almost lost his breath but ran faster and harder now; he would recognize that hair anywhere.

“Ye, stop. Stop!” John yelled as he ran hard to the man.

The man glanced over his shoulder, spied John, and clambered into the boat.

John pushed harder. I must get there before he gets away. God, I have to help her. He’s hurt her, and Marie needs me.

John could kick himself. The safety of everyone at the castle was his duty. Today he failed. He pressed harder, but his body was slow to respond, weary from his morning exercise.

A shout came from his right. Conner ran toward him, blood dripping down his face.

John slowed as Conner yelled, “Get the priest. He attacked us!”

The boat motor started, and he turned just as the boat steered away from the dock.

John took off again. He must get to her. “No, Marie. That priest took Marie!”

When he finally reached the dock, the boat cleared the Firth of Lorn and headed into the open ocean. He jerked his head around and searched for a boat, but there wasn’t another one nearby. He left his cell back at the castle. His heart dropped.

Conner made it to him.

John grabbed him by the shoulders and yelled in his face. “What the hell happened? Why did he take Marie?”

Conner shook his head, tried to speak, and fell forward in a faint at John’s feet.

John tried to catch him, but his body remained exhausted.

Giving into his body’s needs, John fell to his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He glanced up and stared at the ocean.

That man kidnapped the love of John’s life. His Marie had vanished.


About the Author

Margaret Izard is an award-winning author of historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. She spent her early years through college and adulthood dedicated to dance, theater, and performing. Over the years, she developed a love for great storytelling in different mediums. She does not waste a good story, be it movement, the spoken, or the written word. She discovered historical romance novels in middle school, which combined her passion for romance, drama, and fantasy. She writes exciting plot lines and steamy love scenes and always falls for a strong male with a soft heart. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and adult triplets and loves to hear from readers.


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