5 paws Cozy mystery Review

Review – Genies and Gibberish by Elizabeth Pantley

StoreyBook Reviews 



This club gets whooshed into a book. They become characters! To get out, they must find the killer.

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Whenever this group chooses a book, magic happens. The mystery comes to life, and they find themselves part of the story. To exit the book and get back home, they need to solve the mystery and reach The End.

This time, the club chooses a book set in a mansion atop the mountains of Arizona. They discover a strange antique oil lamp that contains a shocking surprise.

Could this enchanted lamp have something to do with their host’s fall from a door to nowhere? Or could he have been pushed out the door by one of the strange people who belong to the quirky group who live here?

This brave, crazy, motley group must work together to unravel the mystery in their latest inside-the-book journey.


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This was initially written as a novella but was expanded a bit. While shorter than some of the other books, it does not leave us wanting more from the story.

I have come to love this book club. It is such a unique premise for the book, and I wonder if I were to join if I could help decipher the clues and find the killer.

Each character in this book has a unique personality. They blend together nicely and play off each other to bring humor and lightness to the book.

In this novel, the gang ends up in a town where the head of a book club dies mysteriously during a meeting. Everyone is a suspect (except our little book club group). There are some wacky characters, including one that wears an opera glove and treats it like another person. We have no real idea who the killer is, and it takes a creative idea by Moonbeam to help reveal the killer.

There are also a couple of genies in this book. They are fighting over who gets to be the “owner” of the lamp they are locked in. One is nice, but the other is quite evil, to the point of misleading people about how the wishes really work.

I thought the house where the murder takes place was a testament to how wishes can go wrong. There is half of a house with doors that lead nowhere, to a motorcycle garden. You will have to read the book to find out more.

This is a fun series to read, and I suggest starting with the first book. This was initially meant to be book 4.5, but since it was expanded, it is now book 5.

We give this book 5 paws up, and recommend the series for a light hearted mystery read.




About the Author

Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents, published in over twenty languages.

She simultaneously writes well-loved cozy mysteries: The Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic book series and the Magical Mystery Book Club series.

Elizabeth lives in the Pacific Northwest, the gorgeous inspiration for the setting in many of her books.

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