Category: 3 1/2 paws

Blog Tour & Review: Relative Danger by June Shaw

    Title: Relative Danger (A Cealie Gunther Mystery, #1) Author: June Shaw Published by Untreed Publishing Genre: Cozy Mystery Number of Pages: 256 Synopsis This is book one in a trilogy featuring widowed Cealie Gunther, who “thinks” she wants to avoid her hunky lover Gil Thurman, but he opens Cajun restaurants wherever she travels […]

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Big Numbers by Jack Getze #giveaway

  Series: An Austin Carr Mystery The author calls the Genre: A SCREWBALL MYSTERY First in Series Paperback: 204 pages Publisher: Down & Out Books (June 2, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 193749554X ISBN-13: 978-1937495541 E-Book File Size: 457 KB ASIN: B00D3DJMJQ Synopsis Root for divorced dad Austin Carr, a funny, oversexed scamp who’ll use anything […]

Blog Tour, Review & $25 Giveaway: Stranded by Dani Pettrey @DaniPettrey #giveaway

Tour Schedule   Stranded (Alaskan Courage #3) When her friend vanishes from a cruise ship, reporter Darcy St. James isn’t satisfied with their explanation that she simply left her job of her own accord. Something isn’t lining up, and Darcy believes the only way to find the truth is to put herself in Abby’s position. […]

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Trust Me by Joan Callahan #giveaway

Synopsis: Beth Carter is a psychologist to many and a single mother to four unruly boys. Patients might almost be manageable, but her boys aren’t. While the household lurches inevitably from one catastrophe to another, Beth finds herself barely managing to hold onto the vital threads of sanity whilst leading her often complex patients through […]

Blog Tour & Review: Right and Left Grand by Rosalee Richland

  Synopsis: Book Details Genre: Cozy Mystery – New Series Published by: Wordsmiths4u Release Date: April 22, 2013 Number of Pages: 242 In this first Darla King novel, Darla returns to square dancing in midlife following tragedies in both her personal and professional lives. She moves from Florida to Texas and from high-powered investigator to […]

Review: Emily’s Ronda Romance by Michelle Cameron

Synopsis: When Emily is rudely woken from a blissful dream on a beautiful beach with her lover, and told she’s on air with her local radio station diskjockeys, she does what any normal woman would do. She fakes it, and pretends she was already awake. The competition to win an engagement ring has been drawn, […]

Blog Tour & Review: Thursday Nights by Lisa N. Paul

Book Title: Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series, Book #1) Author: Lisa N. Paul Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance Expected Release date: May 13, 2013 Cover Designed By: Okay Creations Lisa N. Paul (Author) Facebook | Website | Goodreads Book Summary: “Pain can leave even the strongest of people weak and hollow Max DeLucca has spent seven […]

Review: Waiting on Forever by Ashley Wilcox

  Title: Waiting on Forever Author: Ashley Wilcox Release date: April 29, 2013 Genre: Contemporary Romance Age Group: Adult Synopsis: College. Parties, sororities and getting drunk. Oh, yeah. And learning. This may be true for most college students, but not for Leah Bennett.  College life for her includes studying, working, and excelling in school.  When […]

Blog Tour & Review: The Marlowe Girls by Beth Fred

Tour Schedule The Fate of a Marlowe Girl When twenty-four-year-old Tiffany escapes her sister Kammy’s too wild Cancun bachelorette party, she finds herself in a bar with the unwanted attention of a gorgeous local named Luke. Luke may be charming but Tiffany is leaving in two days and doesn’t need any complications. But complications are […]

Review: Acadian Waltz by Alexandrea Weis

Synopsis: At thirty, Nora Kehoe is feeling pressured to settle down. On a blind date, Nora unexpectedly ends up in the emergency room where she meets Dr. John Blessing. She hopes the pragmatic Dr. Blessing can make her life complete. Then, a passionate encounter with a childhood friend changes everything. The charismatic Jean Marc Gaspard […]