Synopsis In the small town of Clarkesville, in the heart of the Oregon Cascade Mountains, a humble forester stumbles into the complex world of crooked cops and power-hungry politicians… all because he rescued a stray, injured dog on the highway. Lehigh Carter didn’t really mean to adopt the dog. But his ex-fiancée, Stacy McBride, convinces […]
Category: animals
Review & #Giveaway – Animal Cracker by Andi Brown @andibrownauthor
February 9, 2015
Synopsis Who hasn’t suffered in the workplace with a strangle-worthy boss? With humor and charm, “Animal Cracker” offers up a bunch of smart women who plot to get the goods on their boss at Boston’s venerable Animal Protection Organization. Animal Cracker’s a comedy and a mystery! Diane Salvi has found the job of her […]
Review: Soul Mates (A Different Kind of Love Story) by Jeanne Donnelly
September 8, 2013
The author’s daughter contacted me about reading one of her mom’s stories. She had offered up another one but this one caught my eye, probably because it involved a dog! Jeanne Donnelly has 2 other short stories . One is called Blood Aversions and the other is Betrayed by an Angel. Synopsis: She was […]