Category: Fantasy

Review – The Flying Mermaid by Eule Grey @EuleGrey #YA #fantasy

    Synopsis   All Luce wants is to go home, but how can she? Since the war, her beloved city has been under an enchantment. Rivers run dry and the streets are haunted, or so they say. When she hears a rumor that the curse has been lifted, Luce writes a heartfelt letter to […]

Excerpt – Dragons in the Clouds by David Blair #fantasy #shortstory @daveblr77

    Synopsis   ’Dragons in the Clouds’’ is an epic adventure that takes place in the land of Albian during a time when Dragons were alive and freely roamed the land.  The people during this time were being devoured by a particularly vicious species of dragon. To protect his people, the ruling King finally […]

Review – The Paradox Hotel by Rob Hart @robwhart #fantasy #scifi #timetravel

    Synopsis   January Cole’s job just got a whole lot harder. Not that running security at the Paradox was ever really easy. Nothing’s simple at a hotel where the ultra-wealthy tourists arrive costumed for a dozen different time periods, all eagerly waiting to catch their “flights” to the past. Or where proximity to […]

Review – 58 Minutes in Driftland by I.S.A. Crisostomo-Lopez #ya #fantasy #alternatereality

    Synopsis   An allegory about one’s journey to self-actualization. When 17-year-old Alunsinag Bayani accidentally stepped into Driftland, he discovered he could switch places with his alternate self for 58 minutes. During the switch, his alternate self gives him the necessary push to find the courage and regain self-confidence. But trouble looms over Driftland […]