Category: fiction

Excerpt – Flying Jenny by Theasa Tuohy @FlyingJennyFlyn #fiction #womanpilot

Paperback: 288 pages May 1, 2018 Genre: Fiction Synopsis People are doing all sorts of screwy things in 1929. It is a time of hope, boundless optimism, and prosperity. “Blue Skies” is the song on everyone’s lips. The tabloids are full of flagpole sitters, flappers, and marathon dancers. Ever since Charles Lindbergh flew across the […]

Spotlight – The Automation by GB Gabbler @CircoFootnotes #fiction #mythology #excerpt

  Synopsis The capital-A Automatons of Greco-Roman myth aren’t clockwork. Their design is much more divine. They’re more intricate than robots or androids or anything else mortal humans could invent. Their windup keys are their human Masters. They aren’t mindless; they have infinite storage space. And, because they have more than one form, they’re more […]

Spotlight: Glo Ro Saves Best Treasure Chest by Sean C. Wright @seanarchy #YA

This book was written by a friend of mine.  I have the book in my queue to review, so stay tuned for my thoughts in the next few weeks! Synopsis 16-year-old Glorious Day Roberts (Glo Ro) is big-haired, dyslexic, and fighting family demons. But she takes those issues in stride, instead focusing on getting to […]