Title: Shadows of an Empress Author: Carole Waterhouse Publisher: Anaphora Literary Press Pages: 310 Genre: Literary Fiction Synopsis After the death of her mother, Sylvia is sent to live with her grandmother on an isolated piece of farmland, where she and a nymph-like companion run through the woods creating an imaginary world where her mother […]
Category: fiction
THE LARK by Dana Glossbrenner Genre: Humorous Literary Fiction Publisher: Boldface Books Date of Publication: June 7, 2016 Number of Pages: 270 Scroll down for Giveaway! You’re never too old to learn—or too young Good-looking, good-hearted Charley Bristow’s the most sought-after hair stylist in five West Texas counties. He’s an expert on the dance […]
Synopsis Survival is the name of the game as the line blurs between reality TV and reality itself in Alexandra Oliva’s fast-paced novel of suspense. She wanted an adventure. She never imagined it would go this far. It begins with a reality TV show. Twelve contestants are sent into the woods to face challenges that […]
Camille DiMaio Genre: Historical Romantic Literary Fiction Publisher: Lake Union Press Date of Publication: May 31, 2016 Number of Pages: 400 Scroll down for Giveaway! Julianne Westcott was living the kind of life that other Protestant girls in prewar Liverpool could only dream about: old money, silk ball gowns, and prominent […]
Glen Hierlmeier’s latest book, Lazlo’s Revenge, is the story of one woman’s adventure throughout Europe to uncover her parents’ pasts. Stories of romance, war, and traumas both physical and emotional are unearthed as she traces their footsteps back to the major sites of World Wars I and II. Synopsis Lazlo’s Revenge is a remarkable story, […]
LOST PATH TO SOLITUDE (A Follow-Up to Dogs With Bagels) by Maria Elena Sandovici Genre: Contemporary Fiction Date of Publication: February 12, 2016 # of pages: 315 Scroll down for Giveaway! Once you leave home, can you ever return? Two characters, mother and daughter, contemplate this question in Lost Path to Solitude. Twenty-five years after […]
Title: NOT QUITE SO STORIES Author: David S. Atkinson Publisher: Literary Wanderlus LLC Pages: 166 Genre: Absurdist Literary Fiction Synopsis The center of Not Quite So Stories is the idea that life is inherently absurd and all people can do is figure out how they will live in the face of that fact. The […]
Synopsis Anna Dahlberg grew up eating dinner under her father’s war-trophy portrait of Eva Braun. Fifty years after the war, she discovers what he never did—that her mother and Hitler’s mistress were friends. The secret surfaces with a mysterious monogrammed handkerchief, and a man, Hannes Ritter, whose Third Reich family history is entwined with Anna’s. […]
Synopsis Once Upon A [Stolen] Time is an Adult Romantic Fantasy Fiction set in both Medieval and Contemporary England. 2015… All her life, Myra Farrow has been obsessed with medieval castles—and the kings and princes who once inhabited them. Now, wealthy videogame designer Steve Bernard wants her to model for a princess character in his […]
Synopsis In a Tel-Aviv hospital during Operation Desert Storm, Sharon Lapidot, a beautiful young nurse, is having an affair with a married doctor. Sharon’s colorful and exciting life is ultimately destroyed by powerful and eroding mistakes. But her courage and wisdom lead her to an unregretful commitment. Vividly told, this compelling journey of love and […]