Category: Giveaway

Excerpt & #Giveaway – Sunset Beach by Christine Donovan #PUYB #romance @cmdonovan

Title: SUNSET BEACH Author: Christine Donovan Publisher: Independent Pages: 328 Genre: Contemporary Romance BOOK BLURB: Until Sarah Kennedy is 17 she spends her summers at Sunset Beach with a close-knit group of friends. They are young, carefree, and just a tad wild—as teenagers tend to be. They share secrets, love, and a deep connection. But […]

2018 Splash into Summer #Giveaway Hop #winbooks ends 6.30

I don’t know about where you live, but here in Texas, it is HOT!  That means lots of time at the pool with a nice cool beverage. In honor of our hot weather, I’m giving away some of my stash of books.  I don’t know which titles yet or how many, but if I can […]

Excerpt & #Giveaway – The Girl in the Moss by Loreth Anne White @Loreth #MontlakeRomance

Title: The Girl in the Moss Author: Loreth Anne White Release Date: June 12, 2018 Publisher: Montlake Romance Synopsis Disgraced ex-cop Angie Pallorino is determined to make a new start for herself as a private investigator. But first, she and her lover, newly promoted homicide detective James Maddocks, attempt a quiet getaway to rekindle a […]

Guest Post & #Giveaway – Monsterland Reanimated by MIchael Okon #excerpt @IAmMichaelOkon #PUYB #YA #thriller

Title: MONSTERLAND REANIMATED Author: Michael Okon Publisher: WordFire Press Pages: 250 Genre: YA Fiction/Monsters/Thriller Synopsis After Monsterland has imploded, the entire world is thrown into chaos. World leadership is gone, economies have collapsed, and communications are non-existent.  Wyatt must go beyond the boundaries of his small town to reestablish contact with the outside world, and […]