Category: Historical

Excerpt – The Darcy Secret by Kelly Miller @Kellyrei007 #historical #romance #regency

    Synopsis   Will a dire family secret lead to Fitzwilliam Darcy’s ruin? Darcy’s heartfelt conversation with Miss Elizabeth Bennet leads to their engagement. But just when his future could not appear brighter, a dreadful revelation casts a cloud of gloom over him, threatening his hopes and plans. And when an ominous shadow of […]

Spotlight – The Golden Manuscripts by Evy Journey @Bookgal #historical #fiction

    Synopsis   Clarissa Martinez, a biracial young woman, has lived in seven different countries by the time she turns twenty. She thinks it’s time to settle in a place she could call home. But where? She joins a quest for the provenance of stolen illuminated manuscripts, a medieval art form that languished with […]