Today’s installment of Mystery Monday is the first in the Pampered Pets Mystery series by Sparkle Abbey. There are four books in total for this series: Get Fluffy, Kitty Kitty Bang Bang and Yip/Tuck. Synopsis When Caro Lamont, former psychologist turned pet therapist makes a house call to help Kevin Blackstone with his two misbehaving […]
Category: Pets
Today I welcome author LJ Clarkson to StoreyBook Reviews and thought it would be fun to hear what the dogs do all day. Â If they are anything like my two they save up all their energy until I get home and then demand lots of attention! Woof! This day in the life of LJ Clarkson’s […]
Author Carolyn McCray
Over the last week or so I have gotten several books for free on Amazon for Carolyn McCray’s books….I may have gotten them from another link that took me there, but whatever…I added more books to my Kindle (like I really needed to do that?!) and read two of hers over the weekend. According to […]
Pet Sitter mysteries by Linda O. Johnston
I stumbled across this series from a friend and managed to find a few of the books at Half Price Books and the rest I ordered from The series should be read as follows: Sit, Stay, SlayNothing to Fear but FerretsFine-Feathered DeathMeow is for MurderThe Fright of the Iguana You could read them out […]