Synopsis In the shadows of New York City’s North Brother Island stand the remains of a shuttered hospital and the haunting memories of quarantines and human experiments. The ruins conceal the scarred and beautiful Cora, imprisoned there by contagions and the doctors who torment her. When Finn, a young urban explorer, arrives […]
Category: Review
Synopsis From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee comes the steamy first novel in her new adrenaline-fueled Richter series. As an employee of MacBain Security and Solutions, Claire Kelly can certainly hold her own. Armed with an impressive set of covert skills, she’s more than prepared to tackle any job that comes […]
STIFF LIZARD By LISA HANEBERG Series: A Spy Shop Mystery Publisher: Written Pursuits Press Pages: 364 pages Pub Date: March 13th, 2021 Categories: Women Sleuths / Cozy Mystery / Private Investigator / Humor Rodent Roger, a popular Galveston Island exterminator, goes missing the day after he […]
Dire’s Club by Kimberly Packard Publisher: Abalos Publishing Publication Date: March 23, 2021 Pages: 326 Pages Categories: Action & Adventure / Contemporary / Women’s Fiction Scroll for Giveaway! Dying isn’t just hard on the ones left behind, the regret of unfinished lives weighs heavily on the terminally […]
Synopsis Odd things happen in Kiminee, Illinois. Lilacs bloom in winter. Gravel glows golden on occasion. Pigs play kick the can. So when Carly Mae Foley learns to read at age two and masters multiplication at age three, the town’s quirky, tight-knit denizens take it in stride and embrace her with pride. […]
Synopsis Swirling rumors forced Cecilia White out of the teaching job she loved. She vowed not to get involved with a man again—no matter what. But when the term begins at a new schoolhouse in a new town, disaster strikes. No matter what she does, she can’t seem to escape the handsome, […]
A Soldier for Suzie Series: Love will OUT, #3 Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, military romance, friends to lovers romance Published: February 9, 2021 Synopsis A soldier with a secret and a nosy woman determined to ferret out the truth. Surely, nothing could go wrong. I’m the klutzy, […]
Synopsis Unexpected friends, Mimi and Grace, have had a sisterly bond since their sons were in diapers despite their differing opinions on lifestyle and parenting. But when their now teens’ attendance at a party has a tragic outcome for Grace’s son, their friendship is publicly tested. Accusations, litigation, and the judgements of her neighbors in Potomac […]
A WALL OF BRIGHT DEAD FEATHERS By Babette Fraser Hale Publisher: Winedale Publishing Pages: 216 Pub Date: March 1st, 2021 Categories: Short Stories / Literary Fiction Scroll for Giveaway! Most are newcomers to the scenic, rolling countryside of central Texas whose charms they romanticize, even […]
Synopsis Solve the murder or become the next victim… When a ringer for her long-dead love walks into her life the same day skeletal remains are found at the edge of town, Magpie MacKenzie can’t ignore what the universe is telling her…solve the mystery, or become the next victim. Lawyer Zack […]