Synopsis The world’s fate lies with a comatose young girl; an android wants to remember a human she once knew under Martian skies; men at sea learn that the ocean is a realm far different from land, where an unforgiving god rules; a school security guard discovers extreme English class; and a man understands what […]
Category: Science Fiction
Synopsis WHAT IF THE EARTH YOU KNEW WAS JUST THE BEGINNING? A New York banker is descending into madness. A being from an advanced civilization is racing to stay alive. A dead man must unlock the secrets of an unknown dimension to save his loved ones. From the visions of Socrates in ancient Athens to […]
Synopsis Heartbreak and transformation in the beauty of a Ukrainian village. For seven-year old Angela, happiness is exploring the lush countryside around her home in western Ukraine. Her wild imagination takes her into birds and flowers, and into the waters of the river. All that changes when, one morning, she sees her mother crying. As […]
Synopsis Now trapped in a prison by a shadow organization named Prometheus, Carter must use all his cunning to survive. But will that be enough? In this prison Carter must learn to follow the rules and submit. Or break the rules in order to gain his freedom. With his life on the line Carter must […]
Title: Perfect Gravity Author: Vivien Jackson Series: Wanted and Wired, #2 ISBN: 9781492648192 Pub Date: November 7, 2017 Synopsis Second in a snarky, sexy sci-fi romance series with the perfect balance of humor, heart, and heat. Kellen Hockley usually keeps quiet about his past, but once upon a time he loved a girl named Angela. […]
Synopsis …Death and the stillness of death are the only things certain and common to all in this future… -Friedrich Nietzsche Rose is dying. Her body is wasted and skeletal. She is too sick and weak to move. Every day is an agony and her only hope is that death will find her swiftly before the […]
Synopsis JANEY SINCLAIR never knew how or why she gained her ability to teleport. She never wanted it, and for years tried her best to ignore it. But when horrible violence shattered her world, she vowed to use her mysterious talent to protect the citizens of Atlanta, in an effort to prevent anyone else from […]
Synopsis An amnesiac named Carter, must come to terms with the world as it is. A world where with a simple injection of the Virtus formula an ordinary individual can become extraordinary. With the Virtus formula super strength, flight, even teleportation is possible.Now Carter has been tasked with hunting down the man who has stolen […]
Synopsis Love science fiction stories that all include elements ofLove, Murder & Mayhem? Then welcome to the latest anthology from Crazy 8 Press! This amazing collection from 15 all-star authors will delight you with superheros and supervillains. AIs, off-worlders, and space cruisers. We’ve also got private eyes, sleep surrogates, time travelers, aliens and monsters—and one […]
Synopsis In Christopher David Rosales’ first novel, ‘Silence the Bird, Silence the Keeper’, he creates a completely unique vision that seamlessly blends tropes of magical realism and dystopian fiction in a portrait of power in America that we’ve never seen before. Imagine it as the communal love child of Marquez, Bolaño, and Orwell, a child […]