Title: Evolved Author: Aubrey Coletti Publisher: Escape Artist Press Pages: Genre: YA/Scifi/Thriller Synopsis The boarders of J. Alter High have fought their school, sabotaged their school, and attempted to destroy their school. Yet the powerful Academy and its enigmatic Headmistress have remained always one step ahead of them. Now they must decide whether or not […]
Category: Science Fiction
Spotlight – The Visitor by Brent Asycough
The Visitor By Brent Ayscough Synopsis Tasked by the Federation of Planets to determine if Earthlings present a threat as they venture into space, Tak, an alien anthropologist, leaves her starship orbiting Earth and takes a shuttle to Kansas. Intending to study humans in the United States—as she has learned no Earth language but English—she […]
Synopsis The highly effective team of genetically enhanced soldiers code-named Chaos Company has returned to the United States to be commended for their bravery. While on leave the team finds themselves at odds with the highly dangerous mercenary Liam King, who has been contracted to assassinate President Jennifer Grey. Chaos Company thwarts Liam’s attack, but […]
Synopsis Lacy Dawn is a little girl who lives in a magical forest where all the trees love her and she has a space alien friend who adores her and wants to make her queen of the universe. What’s more, all the boys admire her for her beauty and brains. Mommy is very beautiful and […]
Title: Genius De Milo Author: Russ Colchamiro Publisher: Crazy 8 Press Pages: 320 Genre: SciFi/Comedy Format: Paperback/Kindle Best pals Jason Medley and Theo Barnes barely survived a backpacking trip through Europe and New Zealand that — thanks to a jar of Cosmic Building Material they found — almost wiped out the galaxy. But just […]
Title: The Ark Author: Laura Liddell Nolen Publisher: HarperCollins Pages: 239 Genre: YA Scifi Format: Paperback/Kindle/Nook There’s a meteor headed for Earth, and there is only one way to survive. It’s the final days of earth, and sixteen-year-old Char is right where she belongs: in prison. With her criminal record, she doesn’t qualify for […]
Title: Our Dried Voices Author: Greg Hickey Publisher: Scribe Publishing Company Publication Date: November 4, 2014 Pages: 234 ISBN: 978-1940368931 Genre: Dystopian / Science Fiction Synopsis In 2153, cancer was cured. In 2189, AIDS. And in 2235, the last members of the human race traveled to a far distant planet called Pearl to begin the next chapter of humanity. […]
Spotlight – Link by D. A. Karr @DAKarrRHWMS @bookpubservices
Synopsis Space Time, 2800, Earth As the Earth shifts on its axis, mankind is caught in a war of survival and time. Imprisoned in this time war, Captain John Garrick and the N.S.T.E.A. Phoenix become a pawn between technology, humans, and what’s left of civilization. No amount of careful planning can prepare the time […]
Book Title: Aoléon The Martian Girl: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Saga – Part 2: The Luminess of Mars, written and illustrated by Brent LeVasseur Category: Middle-Grade, 90 pages Genre: Science-fiction and Fantasy Publisher: Aoléon Press Release date: February 23, 2015 Content Rating: G Synopsis Aoléon and Gilbert receive a special mission from PAX, a […]
Spotlight: The Eleventh Commandment by R.V. White
Title: The Eleventh Commandment Author: Richard Van White Jr. Genre: Science Fiction Release Date: January 6, 2015 Length: 376 Pages Stand-alone novel Synopsis The Eleventh Commandment: “Prevail together or surely perish together.” —Prophet Naraji Ilkani, 4082 A.D. The mighty Ambros clan have reined over the Imperium for many centuries, having first seized power […]