Synopsis In the shadows of New York City’s North Brother Island stand the remains of a shuttered hospital and the haunting memories of quarantines and human experiments. The ruins conceal the scarred and beautiful Cora, imprisoned there by contagions and the doctors who torment her. When Finn, a young urban explorer, arrives […]
Category: Thriller
Synopsis The Perfect Daughter is a thriller that explores the truth or lies behind a teenage girl’s multiple personality disorder, from D.J. Palmer, the author of The New Husband. Grace never dreamt she’d visit her teenaged daughter Penny in the locked ward of a decaying state psychiatric hospital, charged with the murder of a […]
Synopsis From the award-winning author of Money Matters, an explosive family drama set in the Bay Area during the early months of the pandemic: a suspenseful tale of transgressions, betrayals, and the rise of outrageous conspiracy theories. Oakland, California, 2020. Computer scientist Adam cannot understand the widespread appeal of conspiracy theories popularized by […]
Book Title: Midnight Black by R. J. Eastwood Category: Adult Fiction (18 +), 282 pages Genre: General Fiction, Political Publisher: Indies United Publishing House Release date: April 14, 2021 Synopsis “When plunder becomes a way of life for men, they create for themselves […]
Synopsis Dakota Kilroy, a 28-year-old investigative journalist, is haunted by the unsolved disappearance of her best friend, Maddy Montgomery who went missing at the age of fifteen. When financial difficulties force her to move back home to Santa Monica, CA, she cannot take the unanswered questions anymore. Determined to find out what […]
Synopsis Celeste Donovan, a high-powered finance executive, seems to have it all–the penthouse apartment, the supermodel physique with a mathematician mind, and a trail of beautiful men she has loved and left behind. But when her boyfriend Theodore is killed in a mysterious accident, she discovers Omar, her abusive ex she had […]
Synopsis The world is splintered, and so are the survivors. Adrift at sea for weeks, a rescue party finally offers safe haven to the four survivors who escaped the island. But the civilized society they’ve always known has fallen… and a fractured, dangerous anarchy has taken its place. Gunner. Charging into the chaos […]
Synopsis Sixteen-year-old star basketball player, Luc Ponti wins an important tiebreaker game for the Palo Alto Vikings with a three-point basket during the last few seconds of play. He is simultaneously critically injured with a flagrant foul by a player from the opposing team. Luc dies for several minutes but is revived […]
Synopsis Bestselling author Laurie Faria Stolarz returns with a thrilling novel where an eighteen-year-old girl’s search for answers lands her in one of the most terrifying situations imaginable. Four days… Trapped in a well, surrounded by dirt, scratching at the walls trying to find a way out. Four days of a thirst […]
Synopsis When her elderly patients start dying at home days after minor surgery, anesthesiologist Dr. Kate Downey wants to know why. The surgeon, not so much. When Kate presses, surgeon Charles Ricken places the blame squarely on her shoulders. Kate is currently on probation and the chief of staff sides with Charles, leaving Kate to […]