Category: Thriller

Review – Dark Blossom by Neel Mullick @neelmullick #psychological #suspense

  Synopsis What happens when doctor and patient find themselves in the same sinking boat, yet rowing in opposite directions—one clinging to the past, and the other unable to move beyond it? Sam returns home from a business trip a day before his son’s thirteenth birthday to find his world cruelly shattered in one fell […]

Review – Closer Than You Think by Lee Maguire #psychologicalthriller @TCKPublishing

  Synopsis Meet Bryce Davison, a gifted psychologist who can heal any troubled mind-except his own.  You see, Bryce’s life is falling apart. His marriage is crumbling. His insomnia brings only half-sleep and troubled dreams-visions of dark and buried memories he’d rather forget or ignore completely. And the new female patient in his psych ward […]

Spotlight – Law And Addiction by Mike Papantonio @americaslawyer #LegalThriller

Synopsis Mike Papantonio is a novelist who knows his material only too well. One of America’s top plaintiff’s lawyers, Pap – as he’s called by friends and colleagues – has taken on the tobacco companies, the automotive industry, and more. His new legal thriller, LAW AND ADDICTION (Waterside Productions; April 2019), is based on his […]

Review – The Liar’s Child by Carla Buckley @CarlaBuckley

Synopsis In this intense and intimate family portrait that moves at a thriller’s pace, a troubled woman faces a gripping moral dilemma after rescuing two abandoned children from a hurricane. On the outskirts of North Carolina’s Outer Banks sits the Paradise, an apartment complex where renters never stay long enough to call the place “home”–and […]