Synopsis Unexpected friends, Mimi and Grace, have had a sisterly bond since their sons were in diapers despite their differing opinions on lifestyle and parenting. But when their now teens’ attendance at a party has a tragic outcome for Grace’s son, their friendship is publicly tested. Accusations, litigation, and the judgements of her neighbors in Potomac […]
Category: women
Synopsis Among fake Instagram pages, long-buried family secrets, and the horrors of middle school, one suburban mom searches to find herself. Alice Sullivan feels like she’s finally found her groove in middle age, but it only takes one moment for her perfectly curated life to unravel. On the same day she learns […]
Layla Author: Colleen Hoover Release Date: December 8, 2020 Publisher: Montlake Synopsis When Leeds meets Layla, he’s convinced he’ll spend the rest of his life with her—until an unexpected attack leaves Layla fighting for her life. After weeks in the hospital, Layla recovers physically, but the […]
The Moon Is Missing by Jenni Ogden Adult Fiction (18 +), 388 pages Book Club, Literary, Women’s Fiction, Domestic Suspense Publisher: Sea Dragon Press Synopsis A daughter who cries “Who am I?” A mother who can’t tell her… A hurricane called Katrina… A family […]
Other Fires: Novel by Lenore H. Gay Publisher: She Writes Press (October 20, 2020) Category: Women’s Psychological Fiction, Medical Fiction Synopsis Joss and Phil’s already rocky marriage is fragmented when Phil is injured in a devastating fire and diagnosed with Capgras delusion―a misidentification syndrome in which a person […]
Synopsis Two lives. Two stories. One fateful afternoon the family secrets are uncovered from the hidden depths of the yesterdays of the past. Maggie ~ 1966: “I never thought my life would fall apart in the way that it did. Nineteen, alone, and with a baby on my hip, I fled from […]
Synopsis From Donna VanLiere, the New York Times bestselling author of The Christmas Hope series comes another heartwarming, inspirational story for the holidays, The Christmas Table. In June 1972, John Creighton determines to build his wife Joan a kitchen table. His largest project to date had been picture frames but he promises to have the […]
Synopsis Welcome to Forest River, New York, where perfection is a requirement. The Lululemon-clad moms are perfectly toned, expertly highlighted, and magnificently manicured. The women spend their days practicing Pilates, shopping for shoes, and doing everything in their power to ensure their children never experience a difficult day. PTA president, Jackie Martin, […]
Here for You by Pat Simmons Publication Date: 9/1/2020 Synopsis Caregivers sometimes need a little TLC too. Rachel Knicely’s life has been on hold for six months while she takes care of her great aunt, who has Alzheimer’s. Putting her aunt first was an easy decision—accepting that Aunt […]
Synopsis A fresh exploration of American feminist history told through the lens of the beauty pageant world. Many predicted that pageants would disappear by the 21st century. Yet they are thriving. America’s most enduring contest, Miss America, celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2020. Why do they persist? In Here She Is, Hilary Levey […]