Synopsis As both a teacher and school principal, Meredith Essalat has lived the daily challenges of helping children navigate through their young lives. She has seen the struggles that parents have as they balance longer working hours with the demands of home life. Essalat offers hard-won pointers, enabling parents, teachers, and students alike […]
Category: nonfiction
Synopsis So, imagine developing a detailed marketing plan for your book and then implementing it. That’s what this book offers. In this book, you’ll learn: – How to develop your author’s platform material – How to write your marketing content – How to engage in marketing activities – How to get more book […]
Synopsis Two years after her mother’s death from breast cancer, Caitlin, then 20 years old, was admitted to a psychiatric facility after a suicide attempt. There, a therapist diagnosed her with major depression and anxiety, and she spent time as an inpatient. Years later, still suffering from grief and depression, Caitlin decided […]
SIX FEET UNDER TEXAS: Â Unique, Famous, & Historic Graves in the Lone Star State (Cemetery Tales Book 1) by TUI SNIDER Genre: Nonfiction / Texana / History / Texas Travel Publisher: Castle Azle Press Date of Publication: August 15, 2020 Number of Pages: 250 pages Scroll […]
Synopsis A fresh exploration of American feminist history told through the lens of the beauty pageant world. Many predicted that pageants would disappear by the 21st century. Yet they are thriving. America’s most enduring contest, Miss America, celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2020. Why do they persist? In Here She Is, Hilary Levey […]
Synopsis After more than forty years in the United States, Lan still feels tentative about her place in her adoptive country, one which she came to as a thirteen-year-old refugee. And after eighteen years of being a mother, she still ventures through motherhood as if it is a foreign landscape. Lan explores […]
Synopsis Plants are sessile organisms that are unable to move but face the challenge of ever-changing or adverse environments. The study of the development of environmental changes in tolerant plants is fundamental for the maintenance and streamlining of high crop yields and plant adaptation in natural environments. The identification of genes that […]
Synopsis If you could leave your true love one final gift, what would it be? This intense, moment-by-moment chronicle begins with the officer’s words, “She is deceased.” For the next thirteen days following the fatal automobile accident of his wife, renowned thought-leader Dr. Seana Lowe Steffen, the author draws on nearly forty […]
Title: THE SECRETS TO LIVING A FANTASTIC LIFE: TWO SURVIVORS REVEAL THE 13 GOLDEN PEARLS THEY’VE DISCOVERED Author: Dr. Allen Lycka & Harriet Tinka Publisher: Independent Pages: 164 Genre: Nonfiction / Motivational / Self-Help Synopsis Each author suffered near-death experiences and sought renewal through the wisdom of human virtues that […]
Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators by Susanne Tedrick Category: Adult Non-Fiction, 18 yrs +, 288 pages Genre: Business, Careers, Technology Publisher: Wiley Release date: April 2020 Synopsis Tech industry jobs […]