Posted in 3 paws, Children, Review on January 31, 2021





Maia is going to the race, but it’s early. She stops to look at her reflection in the pond. The reflection turns into another girl — a girl who is swimming — a girl who is a mermaid named Trezzie. Trezzie takes Maia’s hand and together they swim to her castle under the water. She gives Maia a piece of a plant that becomes a doorbell, so Maia can call her any time. The two of them skip stones across the water. Maia’s friend Fig shows up. “Where were you? Why weren’t you at the race?” Maia tries to explain she was swimming with her new friend Trezzie. Fig can’t see Trezzie and doesn’t believe her. Fig goes away mad. Trezzie resurfaces. Maia and Trezzie continue playing.







This was an interesting story about a young girl who meets a mermaid and forms a friendship with her. However, when a classmate appears, the mermaid disappears and Maia’s classmate, Fig, doesn’t believe her. Is Trezzie real or a figment of Maia’s imagination?

I can see reading this book with young children and having a discussion about friendships and that you can have more than one friend and sometimes friends will not always believe you when you tell them something.

I did think that the story ended oddly, I would have thought there might have been more to Maia and Trezzie’s friendship story. Perhaps an explanation that only Maia can see her or why Fig couldn’t see Trezzie.

The illustrations are colorful and outline the events in the story.

We give this 3 paws up.






About the Author


Lois Wickstrom earned her BA in biology with Chemistry and English minors. She is the creator of the Imagenie videos on YouTube and “Starting With Safety” available from the American Chemical Society. She also co-authored the Nessie’s Grotto Books with Jean Lorrah, and the Orange Forest Rabbit books with Lucrecia Darling.


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